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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Quest helmet

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I had one for awhile. I remember it being heavy (im pretty sure the helmet alone was heavier than my Itech HC100 + cage that replaced it), but comfortable. And good god did it look goofy.

Someone mentioned the air bladder in the back for better fit, but the one on mine never did anything. I never took any big hits in it, but the protection was supposed to be really good. It came down really far in the back and kind of wrapped around the skull.

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Yeah... ordering from the US via places that only ship UPS is not exactly my idea of a fun time.

On top of which, I've never found one locally, so I'm only assuming I'm a medium. Nobody around here carries anything but Itech and Bauer; if they do have CCM, it's part of a combo they won't break up, and never chrome.

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^where are you from?

i noticed a couple UK hockey websites selling them..


they apparently have white, black, red, blue in stock.. in small, medium, large sizes. not sure how up to date it is.. but the site comes up as a google search result.

http://www.sk8.co.nz/Nike-Quest-Helmet---B...-P2687C967.aspx size small from a site in New Zealand.. not sure what the exchange rate is between NZ $ and US $.

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LG's looking for a chrome 480, not an ugly bucket. To think I almost bought this a couple years ago gives me the shakes.

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these are gold, but...


So does anyone have a clue on how to get a silver or gold helmet like these? Do you think the people who paint goalie helmets could do this?

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Easily. A solid metallic coat is usually a little more expensive that a flat colour, on stock masks, but it shouldn't be much. I've never had my mask painted, so I can't give you an idea of price; if I had to guess, I'd say probably less than $100, more than $25.

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I had this helmet and didn't find it was very heavy and didn't mind the look. My son uses it now and loves it. In fact he wouldn't trade it for anything on the market today because it fits him so perfectly. Used it last week in a pickup game with us and the guys where all talking about it because a lot o them hadn't seen one actually being worn before in a game. The general concensus was very good.

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I've seen the Quest cheaper in store at Hockey 1- call and ask if that price is accuarate- I'm sure they should be happy to move some old stock.

Also, You need to figure out wich of these buckets fits your head. You may like one, but it may not like your head.

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