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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor questions...

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Today I bought a tinted Itech pro wave visor. HM says its got an anti scratch and anti-fog coating. The guy at my LHS said, I will NEED to buy the anti-fog spray.

Two questions....

Will this visor fog up without the spray?

He told me I also NEED a special cloth to clean the visor. Water and a paper towel/soft TP would ruin it??

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I've been using Pro Wave and I don't have any anti-fog spray nor have I any special cloth.

I just spred the same stuff that I use to clean my dishes with my fingers and use running water from the tub to clean it. When you do this everytime you come from practise, you have a clean visor that won't fog. Remember that it's the dirt and water on the helmet that causes the fogging. If you keep the visor clean and try not to get it wet, you don't have any problems with the fogging.

Also remember to leave enough room between your face and visor so that the air flow can freely remove some of the moist and also keep the visor from fogging.

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He just wanted more sales. Like Markku said, keep it clean and you won't have any problems.

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Does anyone know how to remove stick marks off visors? I hear there is a houshold item that can remove them completely. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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is it true that you can only use oakleys cleaning stuff with their visors?

Yes you have to use their stuff or else the face plate will "crystillize" and form little crystalliy balls

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I have an Itech HS-22 which is close in style and I dont have any issues with it. I dont use any solution on it nor do I wash it with soap after I game, I do clean it off before my game with some water but that is it and I still have no problems. Anti fog on the shield works very well.

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The best way to take care of your visor is to use the suggested spray and a soft visor of a piece of diaper cloth. This will help keep it from fogging and from getting scratches from rougher cloths. Its also a good idea to keep your helmet in a helmet bag or other soft cloth bag when going to and from the rink as this will protect it in the bag from getting scratched.

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Does anyone know how to remove stick marks off visors? I hear there is a houshold item that can remove them completely. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I know a guy that had a pretty banged up visor (an Itech I believe) and he decided to get a new one. One of the other guys we play with had never worn a visor and asked for the old one to try. He used fine rub on compound on the visor and it cleaned up the scratches.

Rub on compound is a car care product for polishing scratches. You can use it on the plastic headlights to cover in scratches and make the lights appear brighter.

I've never done it, but I've seen the visor before & after and it appeared to work quite well. There is a course and a fine compound the course might do more damage than good.

If anyone has heard of this and can confirm/deny go ahead.

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I use the mirrored pro wave visor on my Nike 0004 helmet and I never have any problems with fogging. Its a great visor, the only problem I have with it is the mirrored part of it can get scratched easily and its very noticable.

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I wear a visor, but I also wear sport glasses under it. I find that the visor fogs abit but the glasses are really bad...I use anti fog on both and it really doesn't help that much.

It's a Leader Visor (not the one with all the hardware, just bolts on either side like an Itech/Oakley). I can't have it any farther out, it is as far out as the bolt holes will allow...is there any other anti-fog product I can try....or am I just stuck with it this way?

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I would try the 1xcel spray that goes with oakleys....it works REALLY well on my oakley visor and it should work great for a z-leader

This isn't even a zLeader....it;s a really cheap one. I think it was 24.99 and when I got to the counter it rang it at 19.99. This is probably a stupid question, but are the $60-$99 dollar visors really that much better than the $24-$59 ones?

Maybe I just need a better visor!

I'll check on that spray though

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I really think so..... I got a 35 dollar Itech and it fogged like crud......then i got an oakley and wow there was a difference.....id try the spray first though...Cant go wrong with a 1xcel or an oakley visor IMO

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I would avoid the compouds and use a glaze product instead. You are correct in saying a coarse compound would be worse. A compound has tiny grains in it which are used to scuff of oxidization on a car's paint. A glaze will help clean the surface and fill in any scratches left by the compound. A visor shouldn't have much in the way of deep scratches, so a glaze may be a safer bet.

Another place to look would be a marine / boat supply company. Look for a product used to remove the haze from the plastic windshields and soft-top windows.

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I really think so..... I got a 35 dollar Itech and it fogged like crud......then i got an oakley and wow there was a difference.....id try the spray first though...Cant go wrong with a 1xcel or an oakley visor IMO

Any visor will fog from time to time. A little Itech No-fog before each skate usually did the trick for my HS-22. Even my Oakley fogs now and then when I go too long between applications of their visor spray.

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Thanks for the advice guys. I have a Xcel and a Oakley visor that has a couple of minor knicks but its in the middle of the visor and its bothering the crap out of me when I'm skating down the ice. Someone told me there was a household product like shampoo/conditioning or even shaving cream and it did work but I can't remember the product...rrrrrrrr.... :(

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Would toothpaste work on my Oakley as well? Or will it cause the shield to crystalize, as Oakley seems to be kinda weird like that? Not that it has any scuffs right now, but can be good to know for future reference.

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I have this stuff for the windshield of my car made by the folks who make Rain-X. It's suuposed to prevent the WS from fogging when you turn on the heat/cold (depending on the season) would that be any good?

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