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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tighter fitting gloves

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Is there a brand of glove that typically fits tighter than most?

Currently I have 13" Easton S11's and feel like I could be suited with a 12.5".

What are my options besides going custom?

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Is there a brand of glove that typically fits tighter than most?

Currently I have 13" Easton S11's and feel like I could be suited with a 12.5".

What are my options besides going custom?

i don't know if they still make franklin gloves, but franklin made gloves in half sizes. twice i bought their top of the line gloves for outdoor use and they were actually pretty good gloves and only about $60.

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Last years CCM Vector series was pretty slim, tightest is One90, Vapor gloves are tighter fitting in the palm, loose cuff.

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XX, best tight glove in my mind

I don't think that they are the best.....but definately the tightest fitting of the gloves that I own. (HGT Pro, MB-33, X72, Easton Air, XX).

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I had a pair of the old vapor 6's, the older versions and those were the tightest fitting gloves ive ever worn. the supreme series seems to fit simialr

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You said tighter fitting gloves, but then indicated that it's actually shorter gloves you may need?

From personal experience, for a snug glove, go with CCM Vector or the RBK series for snug but not tight fit (I'm currently using the RBK's and love them). The NBH Supreme 50/70 or the NBH one90 fits very tight.

However, if it's something with a shorter finger, go with Mission. If you can lay hands on a nice pair of the HE750's, they are shorter fingers, but fantastic gloves.

Best ventilation system in gloves I've played with (although my experience is limited to about 5 models)

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XX, best tight glove in my mind

I don't think that they are the best.....but definately the tightest fitting of the gloves that I own. (HGT Pro, MB-33, X72, Easton Air, XX).

i agree

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I also wanted to mention them, but last time i went to my LHS i tried the TPS R8 gloves on and hell, they were snug. You might check them out.

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With my S11's it's almost like a mix of both. When I tried them on they felt perfect, after breaking them in they're really loose in fit and length.

You said tighter fitting gloves, but then indicated that it's actually shorter gloves you may need?

From personal experience, for a snug glove, go with CCM Vector or the RBK series for snug but not tight fit (I'm currently using the RBK's and love them). The NBH Supreme 50/70 or the NBH one90 fits very tight.

However, if it's something with a shorter finger, go with Mission. If you can lay hands on a nice pair of the HE750's, they are shorter fingers, but fantastic gloves.

Best ventilation system in gloves I've played with (although my experience is limited to about 5 models)

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12" Senior 4 Rolls are a god send.

I finally found some and they address every issue I have. I figured I'd bump this old thread with the info so someone can search through and find it if they have the same issue.

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i'd recommend against the vapor XX's. They may be tighter fitting but the excess nash on the "stretch grip palm" and fingertip overlays really take away from the feel of the shaft. I'd say go with the any other Vapor series glove or Supreme series glove - the latter being more form fitting.

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