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Why do companys release new equipment @ the end of the season

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Why do companys release everything NHL players are using now at the end of the season or during the summer. It makes no sense, if you release new equipment in late november you give people enough time to watch the NHL players wear it and then catch the christmas rush. Kind of what easton did with the S17.

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Why do companys release everything NHL players are using now at the end of the season or during the summer. It makes no sense, if you release new equipment in late november you give people enough time to watch the NHL players wear it and then catch the christmas rush. Kind of what easton did with the S17.

I am VERY grateful that the orders come in during the slower summer season so I have more time to unpack everything. Those booking orders can get pretty big...

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Also because we, (the stores) make the bulk of our money through the season and spend it in the summer on the new gear. IF they did release around the holidays, a lot of shops wouldn't have the finances ready to pay once the bills come due.

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Booking orders can be a huge pain. Excuse me, they are a huge pain. I'm very grateful that they come in during the summer. But hey, if it makes no sense, go ahead and call Easton and NikeBauer. Then you can question them about their release dates.

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From what I see around here, peopele usally buy stuff around at the end of the season/ before the next season starts, so the can use there new gear when the new season is ready to begin.

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I understand releasing things during the summer, but why in March? I don't buy anything at the end of a season. I buy most stuff in the summer before the season and in the middle of a season, if anything gets too old or breaks or whatever. I just hate needing something in the middle of a season, watching NHL players use what I want and have to wait till the next season.

I'm not a retailer, i'm a consumer, so I don't really feel you pain for the paperwork. lol.

I don't want or need One95s, my xxxs have aleast another season if not more. For those people who are drooling over them, how does it feel watching all these NHLers use them, and just when they come out, seasons about to end. That sucks and is horrible for the consumer.

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I would also say that alot of the time that the new stuff the guys are using at the start me the season won't be the finished product that hits the shelf and changes are made to design throughout the season till the product is ready to hit the shelves

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