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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Penguins car commercial

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Pretty weak for a high end dealer. I wouldn't expect a BMW dealer to go that low end...that ad screams:

"Krazy Jim's Used Car Mega Mall"

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i think the car dealership knew it was going to be pretty corny since they had athletes in it and not actors, so they just let them do the script how they wanted to.

as bad as the acting was - it was still pretty funny

armstrong/talbot are two of the biggest characters on the pens - so at least they picked the right players to have in it. imagine if it was like gonchar/orpik/malkin, i would have slept through it.

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I sell a merchandising service to auto dealers and the irony is even their "actors" aren't actors. Nationally, the car manufacturers spend millions producing outstanding commercials. Locally, the dealerships try to keep their costs down -- and it shows!

I've watched some of the commercials being filmed, and the "talent" used, and it's often on par with this Penguins' commercial

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My wife cracks that this commercial is really about Nash trying out for a hand model job... it's cringetastic. She's right though, that sharpie grab to the glovebox is something...


For as "bad" as that one is...I like it. They twist the expected idea of the autograph hound...and, that probably isn't even his hand *L*

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My wife cracks that this commercial is really about Nash trying out for a hand model job... it's cringetastic. She's right though, that sharpie grab to the glovebox is something...


For as "bad" as that one is...I like it. They twist the expected idea of the autograph hound...and, that probably isn't even his hand *L*

Actually, it was... I was walking through the parking lot while they were filming it. He was the only guy in the vehicle, aside from the cameraman. The benefits of working by the arena :blink:

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Geno's standing there like a mongoloid with his lower lip sticking out like that. Talbot's also the only one that doesn't come off like an idiot.

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I like how Malkin is the only one in the commercial to not have a line. Even if his english isn't that great at least give him something

"Thanks Gonch!"....Anything!

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Malkin looked like he had a beer belly just standing there...

I don't know if "wodka" is fattening...but I guess the stuff you mix with it is *L*

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