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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno Composite Replacement Blades

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Thank you for your recent inquiry with Hockey World. The Inno composite replacement blades come in standard and tapered tenons. If it says standard tenon, then it is a compatible with a standard shaft. If it says tapered tenon, then it would be compatible with the tapered shaft. We currently on have the standard blades available, although the picture may very well be of a tapered blade.

Thank you


Hockey World Customer Service

I got this reply to my email. :rolleyes:

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Must be a typo. The Weight is a heel, far from a toe curve.

i can understand where they say toe though...thats where it flips open

it's basically a drury that doesn't open until mid-toe

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Received my order yesterday, nice blade. It wasn't a RTM blade as described. It's the newer checkerboard weave. An exact match to my Warrior Dolo2 blade, minus the graphics. Still a pretty good deal. I'll probably grab a few more.

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did you get a pattern 106?

No, Draper.

Any idea what the lie is? I know Warrior has the Draper in a variety of lies.

Pretty sure it's a 5. It's higher then my Dolo2 Draper which is a 4, and the label on the tenon says L5.

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did you get a pattern 106?

No, Draper.

Any idea what the lie is? I know Warrior has the Draper in a variety of lies.

Pretty sure it's a 5. It's higher then my Dolo2 Draper which is a 4, and the label on the tenon says L5.

Thanks. Appreciate the info.

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You're going to wind up with a very short stick if you cut it for a standard blade, unless you flip it.

Oh I don't know i've never cut a stick before, I just saw a line near the bottom of the shaft and assumed you cut it there? am I wrong? where should i cut it then? anyone ever done this before?

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