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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When people discuss skates' volume, to what exactly are they referring? I get conflicting images, depending on how people reference it, so I assume I'm just not thinking about it/ visualizing correctly.

My apologies if this is explained somewhere, volume comes up a lot in a search, and I wasn't sure how to narrow it down.

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volume essentially refers to the thickness of one's foot. for example, some people have feet that look like they're meant to be modelled, much to the excitement of those freaky-ass people with foot fetishes. in contrast, you'll have people with "high volume" feet, which pretty much look like a fleshy brick with toes sticking out of it.

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Volume is a physical term for how much space something takes up, for instance a drinking glass holds like 10 ounces of water.

So lets say you filled two skates up with water, the one that held the most water is the higher volume skate.

hope that helps

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or if you're talking about salmings we're talking about how loud the skates are, there is no volume control for tblades.

I'm not being serious, these guys hit the nail on the head.

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Take a skinny carrot and a fat carrot of equal length. Cut them in 1/2 by crossecting, showing you the middle of the carrot in a circle. The big fat circle is a high volume carrot. It like my fat high volume wide foot would fail the pencil test and have a hard time finding a skate that would fit.

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Thanks for the explanations.

I know the mathematical idea of volume, I just wasn't sure how it translated into skate measurements.

For my clarification: since side to side is width, and front to back is size, I guess "height" (footbed to laces) plus parts of the other two would be volume.

I never even considered this aspect. I've always thought/been told that I have narrow feet, but I think I actually have somewhat "shallow" feet. Interesting. I've been wearing shoes for 27 years and it takes a board about hockey for me to figure out why I have a hard time finding shoes.

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Hockey people tend to make it a lot more complicated than it really is. It usually comes down to your common sense in the long run.

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I kept this quote because it helped explain the same question regarding when people talk about volume on a skate (deep or shallow). I don't remember who wrote it, but it made the most sense to me so always kept it. Hope it helps:

If the skates are "deep fitting" that means that your foot goes down very snugly, leaving a lot of boot to cover the sides of your foot up. Usually this will change the way the laces look. You can tell how deep a boot is by how wide across the laces are when they are tied correctly. If you measure across the width of the laces, the wider that is, the shallower your boot is. If you try another skate and lace it up correctly, and the laces are narrower, that means that the boot is deeper.

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There's a very, very small confusion of terms here.

'Depth' is distance from footbed to eyelets (or, at the ankle, from the tendon guard to the eyelets) taken generally. Obviously, all skates have different depths at different point; some skates are deeper than others across those points. The eyelets are usually good point of reference. For example, when I tie up my Flexlites tightly with normal lacing, I get pain from the third eyelets to the second-highest ones; with a Graf 709, I get pain from the second eyelets to the third-highest ones.

'Volume' is a function of both depth and width. So, a skate which is both deep and wide is higher-volume than a skate which is merely deep: a good example of this would be the Graf 727 (fairly deep, relatively narrow) against the 709 (very deep, very wide) in the same sizing.

Length, of course, is isolated from consideration because it varies fairly consistently with size. However, as a general rule, going up a half size in a skate that is too shallow, when otherwise correctly fitted, may solve depth and/or volume related problems.

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