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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How would life be?

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Life would have been great if the sourdough bagel covered in eggs and back bacon didn't make my sphincter spasm this much or make my ass feel like Mt. Doom.

The bagels delved too greedily and too deep, and awoke a great evil within the crack of the mines of Mack.

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If the war(s) were all about oil, why is oil still so expensive? Wouldn't the purpose of the war be a steady, cheaper supply of oil? Its pretty well known that Bin Laden is in the mountains of Pakistan (if he is still alive), and the US doesn't want to invade there right now. No sense starting another war with a turbulent country with nuclear weapons to stop a guy from not doing anything.

Have you looked around the world, the US has the cheapest gas in the world, well some of the cheapest!!


The war is about oil, for the most part. There is no WMD there, but there is oil!

Read your own article before you quote it.

The main factor in price disparities between countries is government policy, according to AirInc, a company that tracks the cost of living in various places around the world. Many European nations tax gasoline heavily, with taxes making up as much as 75 percent of the cost of a gallon of gasoline, said a spokesperson for AirInc.

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I'd assume there would be little to no reaction in response to 9/11, more government regulation, a tax raise on higher incomes, and the recession would have hit sooner as investment would be lower. Definitely no Iraq war, but I also don't think the Democrats would have gained control of congress. Americans tend to like splitting up the legislative and executive branches.

I don't think it would be drastically different, other than the Iraq war and the economy.

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The US is..and always will be the big brother to the world and hold that status as the "leader".

aah... no.

that's what they said of the Egyptians/Persians/Mayans/Aztecs

all civilizations fail

we just happen to be watching this one.

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Interesting thread. My responses go something like this:

-Global warming is real (scientific fact). The causes of it are not something that scientists agree on (is it natural or human-influenced?). As a result, its unrealistic to expect a solution to reveal itself until science gets its story straight.

-I don't think Al Gore is/was the answer to global warming or the environment (or anything else). I have no reason to believe that his efforts would have amounted to anything more than some big talk, some neat sounding speeches, higher taxes, and some completely useless "initiatives" and "investigative committees". Unfortunately, these things don't do anything to solve global warming or anything else....but they do eat up tax dollars.

-Terrorism sucks. And those A-Holes would've attacked us even if Gore had been elected. The only reason the War on Terror looks bad is because we are the only ones who give enough of a crap to send our boys over there to try our best to do what we can to turn the middle east into the peaceful society it claims to be. Everyone else just wants to accept the risk of global terrorism and say "oh well, we'll just wait til we get blown up".

-I don't think that Al Gore would have screwed up any less than Bush. I don't think the war is a mistake, but its obvious that Bush's strong suit is NOT public speaking and marketing. Maybe Gore would have been a more eloquent/articulate speaker...but I doubt he'd be a more effective/ineffective president.

If you could elect one NHLer as president, who would it be? I say Mark Messier, without hesitation....a proven leader, has good morals, loves hockey, and he's a badass. Done deal. Just elbow terrorism right in the face when the ref isn't looking.

I better start getting the "Messier for President" buttons made...

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This thread is a ticking time bomb is what it is. Ronny was spot on. We shouldn't be arguing about any subject in which we're all terribly uninformed or possibly misinformed.

Why? All we're doing is expressing our opinions. If people disagree, they can say why. If people don't like the topic, there are other threads for them to read.

It would be really nice if all discussions were approached and handled this way.

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I really wonder where global warming is taking us. I am no expert but have felt the changes in my lifetime. There is no pond ice in my backyard at all for years now. It used to happen all the time when I was a kid over 35 years ago. That said, for all the under20somethings on MSH, I do wonder what you're world will be like 35 years from now. How fast will global warming accelerate? The older I get the faster time goes by.

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Earth goes through climate peaks and dips every century. I'm sure global warming is more than possible, but it's not going to make it's effects felt by any of us in our lifetime's.

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Earth goes through climate peaks and dips every century. I'm sure global warming is more than possible, but it's not going to make it's effects felt by any of us in our lifetime's.

I will interject for one point. My 260 geology class was talking about this for some reason, and my teacher showed us that the Earth is actually in a cold climate cycle. Something is definitely different, that is a deductive fact that has nothing to do with opinions.

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Earth goes through climate peaks and dips every century. I'm sure global warming is more than possible, but it's not going to make it's effects felt by any of us in our lifetime's.

I will interject for one point. My 260 geology class was talking about this for some reason, and my teacher showed us that the Earth is actually in a cold climate cycle. Something is definitely different, that is a deductive fact that has nothing to do with opinions.

Know of any websites that talk about it? Not disagreeing, I'm just genuinely interested.

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