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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping the Blade

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I;ve never really paid much attention to players sticks when watching NHL games, but now that i play ice, I find myself doing this a lot more.... I ahve noticed that some players seem to tape their sticks in a way that completely covers the toe.... I assume this is for more control...toe drags etc....

Does anyone here do this?

I do it to try to prevent the toe from chipping

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I;ve never really paid much attention to players sticks when watching NHL games, but now that i play ice, I find myself doing this a lot more.... I ahve noticed that some players seem to tape their sticks in a way that completely covers the toe.... I assume this is for more control...toe drags etc....

Does anyone here do this?

I do it to try to prevent the toe from chipping

I tape the toe as well. Not really sure why, just something I've always done.

I have done it since I was little. I have tried different tape jobs. for some reason I feel I have more confidence with it taped over the toe... It might see a little odd but that is my feeling on it. oh and it looks like you know what you are doing lol it is all PP

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