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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim A

10 Year Old/Triple Hurricane

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It's impressive, but boring. I want to see him pull that move in five years when everyone is gunning for him. In other words, it's fun to play around like that, but it's a parlor trick, and it's not exciting anymore.

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If you thought that was nice check this out:


haha, i wondered who was promoting that video for me. =)

I totally agree with RadioGaGa, i find more kids at my rink practicing these moves rather then working on the basic fundamentals of hockey. I agree that it's breeding players that have all this stickwork, but lack skating, shooting, awareness and all that other good stuff.

Take one of my employees for example. 3 days after this video came out on missionhockey.com, i had this filmed at my rink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_p6XYNG5a8

Now given that guy's a great player, i think more and more kids are finding that these trick shots and fancy plays are actually more important then just learning the game.

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Well, for me I enjoy doing little tricks like this on my backyard rink, its loads of fun, and it's something that I'm never going to do in a game but that is the whole point, it's not like im going to go out on my rink and practise powerplay breakouts and stuff like that

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For my money I'd rather see this:

or the Nash/Toews goal...because every move used to pull off that goal is a real game-speed hockey move. Not some showcase BS that will either get you laughed at or killed if you try it in a game.

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For my money I'd rather see this:

or the Nash/Toews goal...because every move used to pull off that goal is a real game-speed hockey move. Not some showcase BS that will either get you laughed at or killed if you try it in a game.

I couldn't agree more

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Do you guys think anyone will ever attempt this in an actual game? I was just sitting here wondering which player will have the balls enough to attempt it in a game cause you know when he does, he's going to get clocked. I am a fan of the move in a skills competition don't get me wrong it's interesting to see what players are going to do next but in an actual game I see that as being cocky/disrespectful. What do you guys think? Do you see someone attempting it, I know in the future they might but how about relatively soon? And what is your take on it.

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Think about the guys that do Long Drive comps. They can hit a golf ball close to 400 feet. But, can they chip? can they putt? can they play an actual round of golf?

Hey Radio, you don't watch much golf do you :lol:?

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Think about the guys that do Long Drive comps. They can hit a golf ball close to 400 feet. But, can they chip? can they putt? can they play an actual round of golf?

Hey Radio, you don't watch much golf do you :lol:?

Ha...I guess that doesn't sound right does it...only took a YEAR for someone to catch it *L*

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I hope to hell the NHL doesn't turn into the NBA. You have shaq refusing to shoot free throws underhand, which would probably raise his percentage 15%, because he doesnt want to get made fun of. What next, guys dont want to kill a penalty because they cant score? It's amazing in Michigan seeing kids who obviously grew up watching fedorov skate and have a similar style, but apparently missed the selke he won and camp in their own end looking for an outlet instead of digging in defensively. Sometimes I wonder if kids under 17 should be allowed to watch sportscenter. All i see is Malik, Schremp and forsberg moves at sticks and pucks, kids arent working on their weakest shot like I was taught to. I often grab a puck and throww backhand after backhand at the boards trying to develop muscle memory and technique, trying to avoid an 8 year old who cant skate backwards but can scoop the puck on his stick after 25 tries and fling it gently in the general direction of the net.

Do you guys think anyone will ever attempt this in an actual game? I was just sitting here wondering which player will have the balls enough to attempt it in a game cause you know when he does, he's going to get clocked. I am a fan of the move in a skills competition don't get me wrong it's interesting to see what players are going to do next but in an actual game I see that as being cocky/disrespectful. What do you guys think? Do you see someone attempting it, I know in the future they might but how about relatively soon? And what is your take on it.

impossible. takes too much time, far too innacurate, and too easy to defend. either: A. slap the puck of his stick B: hit him as he spins in one spot C: Hit him as soon as he looks down to scoop the puck

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Does anyone else think that all this attention to trick shots is breeding a generation of players that will have great exhibition moves, and shootout dangles, but won't have "in game" skills/fundamentals. And, give it 10-15 years and every game is going to look like an ASG.

Think about the guys that do Long Drive comps. They can hit a golf ball close to 400 feet. But, can they chip? can they putt? can they play an actual round of golf?

I kinda fear for the future of this spot at times.

Then again, I don't have those crazy skillz...so, maybe it's just jealousy talking.

Nah. Some kid who spends his time working on his skating, his snap shot, and his positioning will come by in tryouts and drill them as soon as they try to pick up the puck, and the coach will give him the spot instead. It's tough enough making the NHL as a one-dimensional player, much less as a one-dimensional player who has a dimension that is only useful when nobody else is on the ice.

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was playing a game in the league last year, and was defending in front of my own net when a kid (18 or so) tried to do the Michigan move... I saw it coming, and slashed at his stick as he was about to cup the puck... gave him a nice shove into the boards at the same time for trying that in a game.

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