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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Village

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All right, so who else has wasted their money on this steamer? The end twist was decent, but had been mentioned on the Internet (and not just on movie/spoiler sites) but I had thought they wouldn't have given it away like that.

It also solidifies my belief that retards are not to be trusted.

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The movie sucked. A bunch of counselors decide life sucks so they move to the middle of no where? The government would never grant them free air space and how did the mentally disabled guy excape at the end if he was that dumb?

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Exactly. Now say they do take the bribe and give a no-fly order, how are you going to keep snooping reporters out for that long? Like they're just going to accept some wild life reserve would get a no-fly zone.

I guess he's not retarded so much as he's not right in the bean. He was capable to at least skin animals but I can't see how he escaped w/o anyone seeing him, especially in the porcupine costume.

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Yeah he wouldn't have escaped. Eventually you would have someone with enough stones to just leave and not give a crap about "monsters". Plus the blind girl makes her way through the forest and back and neevr gets lost? Come on?

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Exactly. Now say they do take the bribe and give a no-fly order, how are you going to keep snooping reporters out for that long? Like they're just going to accept some wild life reserve would get a no-fly zone.

I guess he's not retarded so much as he's not right in the bean. He was capable to at least skin animals but I can't see how he escaped w/o anyone seeing him, especially in the porcupine costume.

They don't have to give a bribe to have a no-fly zone over a wildlife refuge. There are several conservation areas and wildlife refuge areas in the country that are no-fly zones. You just have to sign agreements saying the land cannot be used for commercial use and cannot be sold as commercial property. Reporters aren't too interested in conservation areas or parks way out in BFE... no matter who owns them.

He could get out at night no problem.. It's freaking DARK in the sticks at night...

as far as the blind chick getting back without getting lost, I guess it's possible, though not likely. But it's the entire reason they let her go (because she WAS blind and couldn't see the difference in the world to tell anyone).

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All right, well I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for the reserve or whatever.

But was the girl even out one night? I can't remember but I thought it was the span of a half-day and it was always daylight out. I figured he would have gone the same day and wouldn't have gone for too long without someone checking on his crazy ass. For a second there I thought maybe there were creatures out there but then figured out someone just put on the costume to get her. I thought maybe it'd be an elder who was crazy about keeping up Utopiaville and its secret.

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But was the girl even out one night? I can't remember but I thought it was the span of a half-day and it was always daylight out. I figured he would have gone the same day and wouldn't have gone for too long without someone checking on his crazy ass.

Yeah they were gone atleast one day/night. Remember the first night she and the one guy (the one that didn't chicken out at first) slept under the tent all night while it was raining... the next morning they got up and the trees were all covered with ice....

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Okay, now I remember. For some reason I thought it was just early AM that they headed out.

Off the actual movie plots, but has anyone else read about the ending not being the original? I think it was R/S or Ent. Weekly that said they re-shot the ending since it had leaked, but the "set in present day" was the ending I had heard rumours about. It'd be a shame if the other version was, you know, good.

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I think it was R/S or Ent. Weekly that said they re-shot the ending since it had leaked, but the "set in present day" was the ending I had heard rumours about. It'd be a shame if the other version was, you know, good.

Yeah, I thought the ending was kind of anti climactic, especially for one of his movies... It looked like the pacing of the last 1/4 of the movie was dicked with. I guess we wait for dvd for the real ending... lol.

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I'll have to make sure to get someone to buy it so I can check out. I want to say the "mayor" of the town (I forget his real name) was pissed about a re-shoot and his thinking was "Who cares if they know the ending?" I would care but I'd rather have a good one.

To me the ending couldn't have made less sense if stormtroopers came down and had a shoot-out against Kong.

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Hmm I liked it.

The cinematography was excellent, the actors were excellent., and the story was good.

I hadn't seen the ending given away on the internet and I was very surprised with the ending, but I kind of expected for the creatures to be made up.

I really liked it.

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The movie sucked. A bunch of counselors decide life sucks so they move to the middle of no where? The government would never grant them free air space and how did the mentally disabled guy excape at the end if he was that dumb?

Ok you guys obviously missed something. Remember when luscious is takes the berries that the menatlly-ill kid had picked to the counsel? Then he says that he doesn't know what they are but they are from the woods.

Now when she sees him in dressed in the costume of the creature she is standing in a LARGE group of those berries. He was there becuase he had been sneaking out to that place for years. It was just habit, and he happened to see her.

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Ok you guys obviously missed something.  Remember when luscious is takes the berries that the menatlly-ill kid had picked to the counsel?  Then he says that he doesn't know what they are but they are from the woods.

Now when she sees him in dressed in the costume of the creature she is standing in a LARGE group of those berries.  He was there becuase he had been sneaking out to that place for years.  It was just habit, and he happened to see her.

That may be, but Lucius also found those berries near the front of the forest as well.

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