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Skate Profiling - How To?

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Skate profiling, how do I do it? I have my own Wissota sharpener and I want to profile my skates but I'm worried I'll mess up my blades. My One90's are sitting on a bit of a backward pitch and the balance point is towards the rear of each boot. I can feel this when I'm standing on the ice.

Are there any templates available that you can trace onto your blades to perfect the grind?

I have done a thread search and the only hits I could find talk about profiling after the sharpening and not how to perform the profile.

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If you are just doing it for yourself, IMO it's better to pay the $20 to get it done professionally.

Try on a pair of crappy skates if you have them...

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If you are just doing it for yourself, IMO it's better to pay the $20 to get it done professionally.

Try on a pair of crappy skates if you have them...

Definitely. Don't take the chance of messing up you one90s.

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If you are just doing it for yourself, IMO it's better to pay the $20 to get it done professionally.

Try on a pair of crappy skates if you have them...

Definitely. Don't take the chance of messing up you one90s.

its not that big of chance. worst case scenario is that he has to buy a new runner - same cost as the profiling at a LHS.

but i agree, i would just pay a lhs to do it but only if i new the person doing the work.

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at the very least, you'll need the proper profiling jig and profiling radius bars to follow.

Not at all, it can be done by hand. That said, you can't do it on a wissota. You need to crossgrind the steel to take off larger quantities of the blade. It's probably theoretically possible to do it on a normal head but I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain in the ass that would be.

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at the very least, you'll need the proper profiling jig and profiling radius bars to follow.

Not at all, it can be done by hand. That said, you can't do it on a wissota. You need to crossgrind the steel to take off larger quantities of the blade. It's probably theoretically possible to do it on a normal head but I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain in the ass that would be.

I've kind of done it before on road trips when a player breaks a blade and I have to work with new steel. You set the radius of the stone pretty flat and you do a really crappy job of dressing it so its rough. Its kind of hard to work with, but it is definately possible to do. After I've finished grinding to my heart's content I redress the stone properly and do a normal sharpening.

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Why wouldn't you put heel lifts on? That should solve the problem without grinding steel.

Plus, the One90's don't have that much steel, so a lift would be the preferred solution.

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You can profile it using a regular wheel, provided you have a template to match it to. That's what M-E does. You can also manipulate/eyeball it in a pinch like forbs said.

I use the crossgrind and the Blackstone Shaper system (jig/bars)

Unless you don't have any template, I wouldn't suggest it at all.

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at the very least, you'll need the proper profiling jig and profiling radius bars to follow.

Not at all, it can be done by hand. That said, you can't do it on a wissota. You need to crossgrind the steel to take off larger quantities of the blade. It's probably theoretically possible to do it on a normal head but I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain in the ass that would be.

I've kind of done it before on road trips when a player breaks a blade and I have to work with new steel. You set the radius of the stone pretty flat and you do a really crappy job of dressing it so its rough. Its kind of hard to work with, but it is definately possible to do. After I've finished grinding to my heart's content I redress the stone properly and do a normal sharpening.

Possible but not worth the effort. Any team that has an equipment person should have spare steel already profiled.

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I profiled my LS2 steel by tracing the profile of my old steel (Mission F-Pro) on it with a Sharpie and grinding down to the line. Worked great! I can switch between skates without any adjustment.

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at the very least, you'll need the proper profiling jig and profiling radius bars to follow.

Not at all, it can be done by hand. That said, you can't do it on a wissota. You need to crossgrind the steel to take off larger quantities of the blade. It's probably theoretically possible to do it on a normal head but I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain in the ass that would be.

I've kind of done it before on road trips when a player breaks a blade and I have to work with new steel. You set the radius of the stone pretty flat and you do a really crappy job of dressing it so its rough. Its kind of hard to work with, but it is definately possible to do. After I've finished grinding to my heart's content I redress the stone properly and do a normal sharpening.

Possible but not worth the effort. Any team that has an equipment person should have spare steel already profiled.

Not when you work with a shoestring budget and only travel with one pair per size for an emergency. In that case you profile to the player who has the broken blade then fix it well once you are back home.

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anyone know of someone who does this in the St. Louis area? I called the one chain of hockey shops here and the kid said they charge $100 bucks to do this is and acted like they just take them and grind the edges down and give them back. If i'm gonna pay that kind of money, I want it done right.

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at the very least, you'll need the proper profiling jig and profiling radius bars to follow.

Not at all, it can be done by hand. That said, you can't do it on a wissota. You need to crossgrind the steel to take off larger quantities of the blade. It's probably theoretically possible to do it on a normal head but I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain in the ass that would be.

I've kind of done it before on road trips when a player breaks a blade and I have to work with new steel. You set the radius of the stone pretty flat and you do a really crappy job of dressing it so its rough. Its kind of hard to work with, but it is definately possible to do. After I've finished grinding to my heart's content I redress the stone properly and do a normal sharpening.

Possible but not worth the effort. Any team that has an equipment person should have spare steel already profiled.

Not when you work with a shoestring budget and only travel with one pair per size for an emergency. In that case you profile to the player who has the broken blade then fix it well once you are back home.

And your budget is better than most women's programs...

at the very least, you'll need the proper profiling jig and profiling radius bars to follow.

Not at all, it can be done by hand. That said, you can't do it on a wissota. You need to crossgrind the steel to take off larger quantities of the blade. It's probably theoretically possible to do it on a normal head but I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain in the ass that would be.

I've kind of done it before on road trips when a player breaks a blade and I have to work with new steel. You set the radius of the stone pretty flat and you do a really crappy job of dressing it so its rough. Its kind of hard to work with, but it is definately possible to do. After I've finished grinding to my heart's content I redress the stone properly and do a normal sharpening.

Possible but not worth the effort. Any team that has an equipment person should have spare steel already profiled.

NHL teams don't even do that - they're not carrying individual sets of steel for players. They just take their chances in game. Obv it could be done in the AM if they are on a long trip.

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How is a 9' / 10' compound radius done? Profile to 10' first, and then profile the balance point to the front with 9'? Is this possible if you have a jig, 9', and 10' templates?

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How is a 9' / 10' compound radius done? Profile to 10' first, and then profile the balance point to the front with 9'? Is this possible if you have a jig, 9', and 10' templates?

M-E has a 9/10' template. Blackstone's supposed to make one.

I've done compounds by grinding down the longer radius full on and then switching bars and doing the shorter radius on the toe. Gotta know what you're doing and blending is tricky.

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anyone know of someone who does this in the St. Louis area? I called the one chain of hockey shops here and the kid said they charge $100 bucks to do this is and acted like they just take them and grind the edges down and give them back. If i'm gonna pay that kind of money, I want it done right.

Getting back to Luckystrikes' comment, I just don't trust my pro shops in the area. They have messed up plenty of my skates in the past, hence the reason for me buying my own sharpener.

I think you guys have been great with the information however I may have to just take my chances and get the heel lifts put in. The only thing I'm worried about is if I get a kid doing it and he mis-aligns my blades. I will be so disappointed. Once Again!

Thanks again everyone

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anyone know of someone who does this in the St. Louis area? I called the one chain of hockey shops here and the kid said they charge $100 bucks to do this is and acted like they just take them and grind the edges down and give them back. If i'm gonna pay that kind of money, I want it done right.

Getting back to Luckystrikes' comment, I just don't trust my pro shops in the area. They have messed up plenty of my skates in the past, hence the reason for me buying my own sharpener.

I think you guys have been great with the information however I may have to just take my chances and get the heel lifts put in. The only thing I'm worried about is if I get a kid doing it and he mis-aligns my blades. I will be so disappointed. Once Again!

Thanks again everyone

What size are your holders? Most shops don't know/do heel lifts - I could make you a set if you need, and then you can take them to the LHS.

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anyone know of someone who does this in the St. Louis area? I called the one chain of hockey shops here and the kid said they charge $100 bucks to do this is and acted like they just take them and grind the edges down and give them back. If i'm gonna pay that kind of money, I want it done right.

Getting back to Luckystrikes' comment, I just don't trust my pro shops in the area. They have messed up plenty of my skates in the past, hence the reason for me buying my own sharpener.

I think you guys have been great with the information however I may have to just take my chances and get the heel lifts put in. The only thing I'm worried about is if I get a kid doing it and he mis-aligns my blades. I will be so disappointed. Once Again!

Thanks again everyone

What size are your holders? Most shops don't know/do heel lifts - I could make you a set if you need, and then you can take them to the LHS.

Wow, you would really do that for me?

My holders are 272 LS2 Powers, my skates are 0ne90 7.5EE's pro stock.

How much would you need to send them to me? I can paypal you the cash.

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anyone know of someone who does this in the St. Louis area? I called the one chain of hockey shops here and the kid said they charge $100 bucks to do this is and acted like they just take them and grind the edges down and give them back. If i'm gonna pay that kind of money, I want it done right.

Getting back to Luckystrikes' comment, I just don't trust my pro shops in the area. They have messed up plenty of my skates in the past, hence the reason for me buying my own sharpener.

I think you guys have been great with the information however I may have to just take my chances and get the heel lifts put in. The only thing I'm worried about is if I get a kid doing it and he mis-aligns my blades. I will be so disappointed. Once Again!

Thanks again everyone

What size are your holders? Most shops don't know/do heel lifts - I could make you a set if you need, and then you can take them to the LHS.


I wonder if it would be better to just send you my skates. What do you think?

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Two semi-related questions for the guys that do profiling: 1. What is the most-effective/accurate and consistent way for doing profiling (CAG Machine, Jigs, Templates, etc.)? 2. Of those machines what is your preferred method and why?


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Skate profiling, how do I do it? I have my own Wissota sharpener and I want to profile my skates but I'm worried I'll mess up my blades. My One90's are sitting on a bit of a backward pitch and the balance point is towards the rear of each boot. I can feel this when I'm standing on the ice.

Are there any templates available that you can trace onto your blades to perfect the grind?

I have done a thread search and the only hits I could find talk about profiling after the sharpening and not how to perform the profile.

I've designed a system so I can profile on a Wissota. I have 7,9,11,13, 22, and 30' templates. Any template I can CNC machine, I can trace a skate blade with. Send a PM or do a google for 'Wissota Contouring' and search through the epinions listing for my email address.

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Getting back to Luckystrikes' comment, I just don't trust my pro shops in the area. They have messed up plenty of my skates in the past, hence the reason for me buying my own sharpener.

I think you guys have been great with the information however I may have to just take my chances and get the heel lifts put in. The only thing I'm worried about is if I get a kid doing it and he mis-aligns my blades. I will be so disappointed. Once Again!

Thanks again everyone

Have you considered the services of a place like NoIcing sports? You can either send them your steel and get a standard radius done for about $30 incl. round trip shipping and initial sharpening, or go with a combination radius for $5 more. They have a fast turnaround too.

You can also order new runners from them and get them radiused and sharpened before they ship them to you. That's what I did a few weeks ago.

Hope this helps.

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