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400 Flex Dolo shaft

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hey guys, just wondering if anyone has used a 400 flex dolo shaft enough to comment on the pros and cons. i just ordered one, im 175 pounds, like a shorter stick, use snap shot often.

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400 Flex? A 400 Flex might work if you are this dude...


400 is Inno/Warrior scale for ~60 flex.

You don't have to put nearly any effort to load up the shaft, just need to work the wrists to get the puck to go.

I have a 380 and it almost feels too unstable. I get a lot of flex on a hard pass which feels weird and makes it hard to not loft the puck.

Receiving passes is weird as the puck will whip the shaft and I was kicking pucks back out at first.

It will take adjusting, and I hope you never want to try a slap shot.

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a buddy of mine made a jk about it and said i might as well use a pool noodle lol.. did lowering your bottom hand for slappers work at all? if you tried by any chance

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Youre going to need to work on your timing more than anything with a whippier stick, the blade will be behind your hands alot more when youre attempting a slapshot versus a high flex shaft. In reality, it gets to a point where if youre using a stick thats in the 60's and you weigh 175, you might really be pushing it. I use 75 and weigh 155-160 and for 1/5 of the time I have problems with the shaft hopping over the puck when I put everything I have into the shot. Best advice is giving it alot of time, you will have to do some getting used to if you use something that is alot more flex.


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Big time, its also require's alot less effort to snap a real hard pass, really, you I find I dont have to spend time loading up the shaft to get the same results with something stiffer, not having to load up = getting a shot off quicker with equal power.


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I have horrible technique and I was using a 90 flex stick thinking I was good, but I wasn't ever able to get down on it to get flex.

Shooting with the 65 I feel like I'm actually making progress. My wrists are making the right movements after practicing with a ball at home a lot, and now I can work on the mechanics of my shot a whole lot more.

First skate with it I was doing just fine, started getting a good spin on the puck (I was also using a new pattern) and hitting the 5 holes on the shooter tutor with some accuracy.

Second skate after working on wrist strength at home and having a better feel for the shaft I was loading everything too much and I was either shooting along the ice with no power or into the net above the boards with more speed than the vets on the ice.

So, like said, it will take getting used to before figuring out how to adjust for the shaft doing so much work.

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It might be good to work on your mechanics if you're used to a really stiff shaft. But it might be too whippy if you're strong enough.

I went down to a 75 flex and it worked well to help my mechanics. After a couple months, I've gotten stronger and have moved up to 80/85 flex. And the shot is MUCH better than when I was using 85 flex previously.

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I'm honestly surprised you haven't broken it yet. 60-65 flex is not much to work with on the stiffness front. I'm a skinny forward, 5'11" 145, but am pretty strong in the upper body for my weight. I can't see any difference in shooting with 85 and 75 flexes. Is there any reason for this? Any way I can make the 75 flex benefit me more?

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It may not be stiff but I'm also not loading it to the point where I'd be cracking a shaft in half.

What sticks are you using? Tapered shafts feel firmer than standards, and some companies tend to be a little stiffer or softer in some regards, and your 85 may very well be worn in to the point where it is actually a 75.

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I've got primarily TPS sticks, some old, like the XN10 Responses and some newer ones like the R6/Response Armors. They all share the same trait, they start a little stiffer than their rating and break in. I have one R flex rated that is certainly a W now, just from putting about 1000 shots on it.

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i have a 400 flex dolo shaft, everything said above is pretty much true, ur shots feel like they lag because the stick flexes so much but thats good for me. I needed to work on my mechanics and also I'm only 155lbs. I cut off a few inches of the shaft so that made the flex go up a little bit.

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The pro-stock shaft I have has major issues with peeling but the 4-5 other shafts I have seen in use seem to not be having issues.

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Have a 400 flex shaft, but I ended up cutting it down too much. If i add a wood plug, will it help the shaft regain some o the whip it used to have? Im trying to make sense of this in my head but I was never good at physics.

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Have a 400 flex shaft, but I ended up cutting it down too much. If i add a wood plug, will it help the shaft regain some o the whip it used to have? Im trying to make sense of this in my head but I was never good at physics.

just the fact that its longer will gain flex back yes

might not be exactly the same flex in physical terms but in practical terms the part in your top hand doesnt flex much anyway so who cares

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