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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Yeah on fightquest they had NBH gloves and on human weapon they had RBKs on a couple episodes.

Who knew Marines used 4Ks?

When I used to work at a hockey shop I had a man come in looking for hockey gloves he could wear during his knife fighting class... I sold him 4 pairs of vapor xxx's.

Knife fighting class?!? What the heck is that? $100 for a pair of gloves that you are going to destroy? What's the use of it?

Probably using training knives.

Even if they are real knives, they train via repetition... so they do routines instead of just trying to stab eachother.

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The original style goalie fask mask ala Jacque Plante/Friday the 13th was a hot item here in Taiwan for paint ball enthusiasts a few years back. I never got to see them in action but I sure had fun imagining them diving, then tuck n roll and release a spray of fire with those puppies on!

I'm sure that's great for eye protection ;)

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And yeah, Kari on MB is smokin' hot.

Well not so much lately, unless you're into the whole 8 months pregnant thing ;)

Now here is the burning question, Jamie or Adam's? :P

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And yeah, Kari on MB is smokin' hot.

Well not so much lately, unless you're into the whole 8 months pregnant thing ;)

Now here is the burning question, Jamie or Adam's? :P


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For those of you who missed the return of Scrubs, Jo, the new intern from last season, was seen taping a Mission hockey stick, which was, as you can imagine, very hot. However, she was using that stupid hockey tape with pictures all over it, which made it less hot. Great episode though, I'm fairly certain Scrubs is the first show that has ever managed to do a spin off with almost all the original cast, but the show is still different.

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