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Malkin and the Penguins

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Some highly questionable officiating in this one, but it gives the caps another potential way into the playoffs.

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This was the most aggravated I've been all season watching a Flyers' game. How Gonchar can buttend Hartnell in the nose, with an official mere feet away, and go uncalled is amazing. Add to that Hartnell receiving the lone call from a scrum that results in a full 5 on 3, though Coburn's penalty was legitimate. All four Pens' goals came on the PP, there were definitely some perplexing calls made.

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Some highly questionable officiating in this one, but it gives the caps another potential way into the playoffs.

Agreed. But it might be the only time I cheer for the Pens to win (as long as it was in regulation)

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Serves the Flyers right. How none of those head shots and runs at Crosby went uncalled is amazing.

I for one hope the Pens don't see the Flyers this playoff season, they seem to run and target the star players more than most of the other teams. I also wouldn't play Sid, Geno , or Gonchar in the last game against the flyers. Its in philly not the burgh so no reason to put our superstar players on the ice

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I don't want to hear any crying about the officiating, it was bad both ways. Gonchar could have gotten a penalty on Hartnell, but Hartnell was out of control much of the game. He should have gotten an extra 2 for trying to skewer Orpik when he was on top of the puck. A lot of the dangerous calls are being ignored (league-wide) and then ticky tacky holds are instant penalties.

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Truth my man.

Besides, the Flyers had a nice 4 on 3 and didn't cash in. They have noone to blame but themselves.

Adam Hall. Does he get much ice time in the playoffs or not, what do you think? We can't scratch Sydor, Whitney is much better on D then O, Letang doesnt deserve to be scratched either.

What if Roberts comes back and can play strong. Who then do we scratch?

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People are making WAY too much of Gary Roberts. Aside from his experience, he brings nothing that other guys don't at this point. There are plenty of role players that have stepped into his spot.

D should be







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Oh I agree that Gary isn't the key to victory. I do however think his experience may become necessary to have in the room. However, if the guys will even listen to him or whatever since he's been out the whole season I don't know.

I like Sydor a little more than Gill but... Atleast they will have someone decent up in the press box incase of injuries.

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Gill is a good penalty killer, but which one of them plays won't change things much. At this point, they have a few vets and these guys aren't rookies anymore, they know what needs to be done. Roberts will be with the team whether he's in the lineup or not.

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Serves the Flyers right. How none of those head shots and runs at Crosby went uncalled is amazing.

I for one hope the Pens don't see the Flyers this playoff season, they seem to run and target the star players more than most of the other teams. I also wouldn't play Sid, Geno , or Gonchar in the last game against the flyers. Its in philly not the burgh so no reason to put our superstar players on the ice

That might not be a good idea if Pittsburgh wants to clinch the conference. It's obviously going to come down to the last day for most of the teams in the East, and the Flyers need to win these last two games if they for sure want to be in the seventh seed, especially with the Caps one point behind. That said, I'm still predicting a 7. Philly 8. Washington finish.

The officiating was bad, both ways. Gonchar should have been gone for that butt-end to Hartnell. No matter what had happened with him earlier in the game, being nuts or not, that doesn't warrant a no-call from the refs. The game was getting out-of-hand very quickly. But even through the bad officiating, the Flyers PK was worse. Giving up four PP goals in one game is unacceptable, especially at this point for a team trying to make the playoffs.

Crosby wasn't playing the cleanest game, either, FireOnIce

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People are making WAY too much of Gary Roberts. Aside from his experience, he brings nothing that other guys don't at this point. There are plenty of role players that have stepped into his spot.

D should be







all i remember is that last year roberts kept creaming defensive players into the boards - that is why the crowds loved him. he would dump the puck in and then charge full speed into the guy picking up the puck in the corner. I can't remember if he did it to ottawa - but i know alot of the defensman thought twice about it the next time.

but yes i do get your point about him - if hitting is all he does - then he is replaceable. I still think he can play a part in the teams plans though.

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People are making WAY too much of Gary Roberts. Aside from his experience, he brings nothing that other guys don't at this point. There are plenty of role players that have stepped into his spot.

D should be







all i remember is that last year roberts kept creaming defensive players into the boards - that is why the crowds loved him. he would dump the puck in and then charge full speed into the guy picking up the puck in the corner. I can't remember if he did it to ottawa - but i know alot of the defensman thought twice about it the next time.

but yes i do get your point about him - if hitting is all he does - then he is replaceable. I still think he can play a part in the teams plans though.

I like Roberts but you don't put him into the lineup as long as the other guys are playing so well. If anything he will replace Laraque or Ruutu.

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I like Roberts but you don't put him into the lineup as long as the other guys are playing so well. If anything he will replace Laraque or Ruutu.

Yeah, after thinking about it, Laraque makes sense, but Ruutu I like in the lineup for the playoffs.

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I like Roberts but you don't put him into the lineup as long as the other guys are playing so well. If anything he will replace Laraque or Ruutu.

Yeah, after thinking about it, Laraque makes sense, but Ruutu I like in the lineup for the playoffs.

Neither one is going to get much ice time but at least you know Roberts isn't going to take a stupid penalty at a bad time. Ruutu on the other hand....

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I like Roberts but you don't put him into the lineup as long as the other guys are playing so well. If anything he will replace Laraque or Ruutu.

Yeah, after thinking about it, Laraque makes sense, but Ruutu I like in the lineup for the playoffs.

Neither one is going to get much ice time but at least you know Roberts isn't going to take a stupid penalty at a bad time. Ruutu on the other hand....

But his hands!!!!! :D

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Well it's obvious the Penguins didn't want to play Philly in round 1. Scratching Crosby and then playing like it was Friday night pickup at the local rink against the Flyers today... Hope they know what they're getting into with Ottawa.. they still scare me.

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Both scare me but I think they'll get less roughed up playing against the Sens.. Here's to hoping this series isn't a repeat of last year..

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ottawa doesnt have alfredsson or fisher - and i think their goaltending is a little suspect so maybe it isn't such a bad thing?

plus they did just play them in the playoffs last year so they should be better prepared now.

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