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2 Montreal Canadiens players arrested

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This is crazy, why would you steal a ladies purse ?


The Tampa Tribune is reporting that Montreal Canadiens defensemen Ryan O'Byrne and forward Tom Kostopoulos were arrested outside of Tampa nightclub early Monday morning.

O'Byrne is accused of stealing a women's purse, while Kostopoulos is accused of resisting an officer.

The incident began when a woman notified the bar's security officers that her purse was missing. The security officers noticed O'Byrne holding the purse and the women's cellphone outside the bar.

According to the report, O'Byrne told the officers that the purse belonged to his girlfriend, but police determined it belonged to the woman.

"Several associates, who were identified as National Hockey League players/members, crowded around the officers and police car," the police report states. "They were told numerous times to get away from the police car and not to interfere."

O'Byrne was charged with grand theft and Kostopoulos was charged with resisting the officers.

O'Byrne's bail was set at $2,000 and Kostopoulos' was set at $500 - both have been released.

The Canadiens are scheduled to play the Tampa Bay Lightning Tuesday night.

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Which club was it? I used to literally live right where they're talking about, and nothing good ever seemed to come from that area...

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"It's my girlfriend's"? C'mon, that'll never work. I would have at least tried to say something to the effect of "I found this purse in the club, so I grabbed it so no one else would steal it, and I'm now looking through the cellphone and trying to find a way to leave a message somewhere to alert her to the situation."

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There's got to be a logical explanation. I mean, although he's a rookie making "only" 475 000$, I can't believe he would try and steal a purse and I'm sure he wasn't forced by his teamates to do so either. Maybe he wanted the girl's phone number the only bright thing he could think of was to go outside with the purse, get her phone number and bring the purse back inside or something... And by the way, how come the security guards did not see him leave the place with the purse in the first place?

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I think the broad was trying to take pictures of them for facebook or myspace and he yanked the purse from her. He probably embarrassed her and she ran crying. Typical really.

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Which club was it? I used to literally live right where they're talking about, and nothing good ever seemed to come from that area...

Hyde park

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