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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What girdle is this?

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That'd be my guess too, but all the NBH protective - the RBK/Jofa shins have me double guessing myself...but CCM is my guess.

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kopitar, looks like a ccm girdle..

Looks like he has a bee stuck in his toe cap from that face he's making. Intense :lol:

He kinda looks like a muppet.


Wokka, Wokka, Wokka!

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i dont know who kopitar is. i assume that's the kings player. i think its NBH judging by the silver inner leg strapping.

My CCM Pro Girdle is blue with a silver inner leg strapping. I'm going to guess a Bauer Vapor MPB8? Considering it looks like it's black/grey....

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i dont know who kopitar is. i assume that's the kings player. i think its NBH judging by the silver inner leg strapping.

My CCM Pro Girdle is blue with a silver inner leg strapping. I'm going to guess a Bauer Vapor MPB8? Considering it looks like it's black/grey....

My MPB8 is balck with silver velcro leg wrap coming from the inner thigh around to the front. The CCM is a fairly bright blue with white wrap. If the lighting has the black/silver colors right I'd have to go with Bauer.



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i have never seen a ccm girdle in that color. most of the ccm girdles that i've seen are of a darker shade of blue w/ silver wrap.

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Looks like the bauer Mpb8. It also looks like theres a wrap in it or does the ccm one have a wrap too? I'm use to seeing alot of easton girdles in the locker rooms around here so correct me if im wrong.

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Looks blue to me and the CCM girdles are blue. You can see that the shell is darker than the girdle under it. It's not like the girdle is going to stay that bright blue when you're wearing it every day.

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