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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nope, we used to carry them. Hopefully they improved the products because they used to be crap. The gloves were stiff and heavy and the skates were terrible.

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The Salming gear is crap, the stick is hard with no flex, the gloves is superstiff in the cuff, their OPS is orange with a Visctorysign(with the fingers) on it.. Sooo ugly.

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I would have replied to your question earlier, but I was unaware of this forum.

You can contact either info@salmingusa.com or info@salmingcanada for help finding a retailer if your interested in trying the products. Each of these distributors (SalmingUSA and SalmingCanada) began over the summer and received product in October.

Most likely, anyone who has used the product in North America has used product that is about three-plus-years-old, since that is when the previous distributor who carried the product in N.A. went out of business. The current products are much improved over the those of three years ago, mainly because the company is of such a size that all player feedback can be addressed quickly. If enough players tell us we need to add a pad here or velcro there, we will try to make that improvement on the next production run.

Currently, we have a stick called the G1, which our distributors in Europe sold out in a month-and-a-half, causing us to run a second production of the sticks. That's not typical for the hockey industry. We've sold them for two months in North America and we've had at least ten players/retailers tell us they think it's the best stick they've used, including a couple of ex-NHLers. (We were sponsors for the Legends Classic game at the Hall of Fame's Induction Weekends and about eight of the players used the stick at the game.)

Again, if anyone is interested in where they can find the products in North America, contact either info@salmingusa.com or info@salmingcanada.com. If you're in Europe, go to www.salmingsports.com and click on the Store Locator to search by country.

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Welcome to ModSquadHockey. As you will soon find out, there is no place like this place to learn about hockey players' needs and wishes and to get feedback on your products. That is why the majority of the hockey industry reads this site on a regular basis.

We are glad about every manufacturer who shows up on MSH to build a player-industry-relationship. You are welcome to discuss your products and to keep us updated with product news. Just take note that we do not accept advertising (hidden or open) on MSH. So if you want to give us info about your products, go ahead. Just don't turn it into an advertising and don't start bashing other companies' products.

Have a good time on board and do not hestitate to contact one of us mods if you have any questions.


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First thing I noticed on your website is the lack of a curve/blade chart for your sticks. The available curves for the G1 are "Pro 7" and "Pro 8" but I cannot find a single picture of these curves. Thus I cannot know if I would be interested in this stick.

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They've got some really nice ball hockey equipment, their ball hockey sticks look like golf clubs with a whiffle blade or something. I'd definitely love to try one out if I ever played ball hockey, mabye Roberto Luongo should look into it? :lol:

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They've got some really nice ball hockey equipment, their ball hockey sticks look like golf clubs with a whiffle blade or something. I'd definitely love to try one out if I ever played ball hockey, mabye Roberto Luongo should look into it? :lol:

It's not "ball hockey" equipment. It's floorball equipment. While the game of floorball is similar to hockey it has some key differences. I would suggest a google search on floorball.

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Floorball is very nice sport! I play it one or twice a week and enjoy it a lot. It's quite different when you have to run, not skate. Sticks are quite short that I think is a negative aspect.

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