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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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which oakley visor is this?

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hey, anyone know what model oakley visor this is? i think its the VR904 smoke, but i'm not sure. the one hockeymonkey has for sale has a different oakley logo on it.


vr904 on hockeymonkey - http://www.hockeymonkey.com/oakmodstrtslot.html

i'd like to go back to using a half shield, but my last one was big and clunky. i know they dont protect much to begin with but i'd rather have something small.

thanks in advance!

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it is a v903 visor.. i have the same one. the only difference is the sticker.. i believe they have special stickers made for the pros i.e. Blue for toronto, red for calgary ect..

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it is a v903 visor.. i have the same one. the only difference is the sticker.. i believe they have special stickers made for the pros i.e. Blue for toronto, red for calgary ect..

Mmmm, sure would like to get me some of that. Those teeth. And the unibrow! Irresistable! :wacko:

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I know eh making millions and still looks like a bum.

No worries i bet he'll get a dentist deal and a beauty cut deal soon.

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that pic is from the all stars, am I correct??

I think it's probably a special model for the all stars...

if someone can find pics of them from both east/west players.

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I think the hair and the facial scruff is ok, but the unibrow and the teeth are pretty awful. That said, he rocks it pretty well and could probably bang any girl he wants.

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He needs a mirrored visor for his mouth. That's going to be a long time with braces with that grill.

Haha, that gap is there because one of his teeth was knocked out.

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He needs a mirrored visor for his mouth. That's going to be a long time with braces with that grill.

Haha, that gap is there because one of his teeth was knocked out.

Really? I thought he was sportin' the new Billy Bob teeth :rolleyes:

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