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Severe headaches after hockey.....

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  Fletch said:

Actually, on second thought I forgot to mention one thing - if by chance my Wife is willing to "do the deed" with me after hockey, it somehow makes the headache mostly go away....it's really strange. Unfortunately, a lot of times she's asleep after my games. ;)

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Sex gets a lot of endorphins running through your system. I'm not surprised that it helps.

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  puck_it said:
  Fletch said:

Actually, on second thought I forgot to mention one thing - if by chance my Wife is willing to "do the deed" with me after hockey, it somehow makes the headache mostly go away....it's really strange. Unfortunately, a lot of times she's asleep after my games. ;)

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Sex gets a lot of endorphins running through your system. I'm not surprised that it helps.

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Yeah, it helps so much that a lot of the time even when I don't have a headache I'll tell her I need "help." Unfortunately a lot of times she says "go help yourself!"

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I have migranes as well. Never after a game. Few things come to mind:

1. Does your helmet have some pressure points that cause discomfort, irritation?

2. Do you experience blurry, dilluted, sparkly vision about 15 - 30 minutes before the ehadache hits? Pain on the back of your head transitioning ot the front is not very common.

3. Do you eat something at least two hours before playing? Hypoglicemia or low blood sugar is one of the most common sources of headaches and migranes. I found some peanut butter or whole grain bread gives me protein and carbs the body needs.

4. Are you staying hidraded, like TBLFan said, this is very important. Perhaps try one of the electrolite drinks with protein in it. There are number of them on the market now.

As with any migranes, you need to keep a journal so you can compare what you had to eat, when, what did you do, when did the migrane appear, how long did it last. This journal you then analyse with your doctor - NOT MSH :-).

Good luck.

  Fletch said:

For as far as I can remember, I have gotten really bad headaches after playing. It doesn't matter if it's been ice or roller - about 30 minutes after a game I can always feel a headache creeping up from the back bottom of my neck, and eventually it settles in at the top of my head and creeps down into my eyebrow areas (usually on one side). The pain is so bad that it "throbs" and I pretty much have to go to sleep.

A couple years ago I took one excedrin because I was out of Advil (which didn't do too much to fight it anyway) and amazingly, the excedrin worked to get rid of about 90% of the headache. The only problem was that the caffeine in the excedrin keeps me awake but it's better than feeling like I'm having a brain aneurysm.

When I was 6 I was diagnosed with migraine headaches (my Mom gets them really bad) but I only seem to get them after playing. I'm thinking it's all coming from my neck but I don't know for sure. I've had a brain MRI, seen a neurologlist, had him put me on different types of medicine to stop the headaches before they happen but nothing has worked thus far. Excedrin is my wonder drug for now!

Anyone else experiencing anything like this? Or am I the only poor bastard who has this problem?

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Imitrex works only on certain types of headaches. You need to start keeping a journal as I said before on how much you had to drink, eat, before the game and up till the time you get your headache or migrane. I used to have to take 50mlg of Imitrex injections, with normal dose being 2, 5, and 10. Imagine a brainfreeze you get after drinking a slurpy too fast that lasts 45 minutes...

Start keeping the journal.

One more thought.

Do you drink coffee or tea or anything coffenated? Out of three or four types of migranes, I used to get the caffeine withdrawl migranes. When you drink three or four cups of strong coffee and then stop. Your brain will protest as a result.

Again, document everything you do in detail before migrane hits, then document your migrane symptoms (after you feel better). Change what you do and document what happends. Eventually you and your doctor will see a pattern. I learned this method both in UMich and VCU headache centers.

  Vermette20 said:

My wife works in a hospital so she has a good general knowledge on various Drugs etc.. Anyhow on our way to Dead lobster yesterday, I mentioned this post to her. She mentioned a certain drug which is specifically for Migrane Headaches called Imitrex. Basically you would take this right after your done playing before the headache comes, and you should be fine. Anything like Vicodin, Tylenol #3, Darvaset, Tramadol etc.. is not going to work as that is not the functional use for these drugs. Anyhow ask your doctor about Imitrex, it might be worth looking into and be able to help you out.

Im currently in a similar boat, as I need to have sinus surgery (again) and the pollups are causing the sinusitus pain and pressure to stay and not go away, and I have to take all kinds of crap from anti biotics, prednisone and Vicodin, Darvaset and the other usuall suspects whatever is prescribed for me at the time. for saftey measures every couple of days ( a day off from work or two) I wont take anything, so my body doesnt build up a relience on it. Also with this stuff its a good idea to put yourself on a taper, 6 for the first few days (max does for 24 hours), 4 the next few, then 2 then 1 each day etc... this way it weans your body off without going through detox etc..

Anyhow hope this helps everyone out


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  docar15 said:

3. Do you eat something at least two hours before playing? Hypoglicemia or low blood sugar is one of the most common sources of headaches and migranes. I found some peanut butter or whole grain bread gives me protein and carbs the body needs.

  Fletch said:

I am always shocked at how many players do not eat anything before a game! I do not see how they think they can perform with nothing in the tank!

In the morning, something like a big bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in will last a long time!

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  #44wannabe said:
It may be related to the levels of electrolytes in your blood. Try some NUUN tabs (http://www.nuun.com/index.php) or MOTORTABS (http://www.motortabs.com/)
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I know I'm bumping an old thread but for the last ten or so years I had the exact same problem as a Fletch, when playing multiple games in a day. I tried everything and drank water until I literally couldn't drink anymore. The water helped but didn't solve the problem.

After learning to live with it, I mentioned it to a trainer for the Eagles in passing conversation. Dude said that some people are far more sensitive to electrolyte imbalances and to try the tabs both before and after playing, for me at least it was a 100% fix. I can't tell you how nice it is to not have to come home and collapse on the bed.

BTW the sex thing may relate to the serotonin dysregulation which some believe is responsible for these migraine type headaches, its similar to sleeping in that the body corrects the serotonin issues.

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  usahockey22 said:
I used to get these strange headaches on one side of my head while slalom water skiing that were incredibly painful but very short-lived.
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God, I get these when I slalom. They are horrible. Did you know what this is from? Water in my ears?

Sorry for the thread jack.

As far as the headaches go, many people seem to be on top of that. I used to get them as well after games but I increased my hydration before, during, and after the games and they went away. Only problem is I get up like 6 times during the night to piss.


My bad didn't notice the dates. Sorry

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  Johnny Law said:
  #44wannabe said:
It may be related to the levels of electrolytes in your blood. Try some NUUN tabs (http://www.nuun.com/index.php) or MOTORTABS (http://www.motortabs.com/)
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I know I'm bumping an old thread but for the last ten or so years I had the exact same problem as a Fletch, when playing multiple games in a day. I tried everything and drank water until I literally couldn't drink anymore. The water helped but didn't solve the problem.

After learning to live with it, I mentioned it to a trainer for the Eagles in passing conversation. Dude said that some people are far more sensitive to electrolyte imbalances and to try the tabs both before and after playing, for me at least it was a 100% fix. I can't tell you how nice it is to not have to come home and collapse on the bed.

BTW the sex thing may relate to the serotonin dysregulation which some believe is responsible for these migraine type headaches, its similar to sleeping in that the body corrects the serotonin issues.

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Johnny, can you let us know exactly what tabs you tried and how you did it (before game, after game, both, etc.)? I am extremely interested in trying this.

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  Fletch said:
Johnny, can you let us know exactly what tabs you tried and how you did it (before game, after game, both, etc.)? I am extremely interested in trying this.
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I used Nuun - http://www.nuun.com/ - Lemon Lime flavor to be exact. Taste is ok but since it fixed the headaches I could care less what it tastes like. Essentially I dropped 8 tabs in a gallon jug of water (I would leave it in the frig if I didn't finish it, I don't think it can go bad)

Regular hydration until maybe two hours before the first game, then I switched over to the Nuun water. I tried to drink somewhere around 2 servings or 16oz though it isn't like I measured. I normally took a piss right before the game because no one likes to skate and hold it but on days it is really hot or I have alot of games I don't, as your body can use that water to replenish its supplies. After a couple minutes of sweating you don't have to pee anymore.

Warm up - drink more - Play and try to drink as much as I could remember to.

In between games I really put down as much water as I could handle. Normally I have about an hour in between games and that would be enough time to get a bunch of water back in the system. Apparently the electrolytes are designed for quick absorption. It may sound funny but I could tell when I had enough water as I definitely felt less fatigued. Not a whole lot but enough to notice.

When I was done for the day I would drink the Nuun water until my pee was pretty clear. I would try to accomplish this as quickly as possible. One time I got caught up in talking with some people and started to get the pressure behind my eyes, so I think being preemptive is a good idea. I would say experiment and figure out what works best for your body, it may sound like alot to think about but it really isn't that much effort.

I only got the migraines if it was super hot out or I had to play multiple games in a day so for me I didn't have to necessarily use the tabs every time but after a while it just became second nature. I didn't see any gain in endurance but I never really had a problem with that to begin with, the headaches however were completely gone. Not to sound like a homer but water alone just didn't do it for me.

Salt tabs are another option but I think you have to know a little bit more so you don't use to much and only increase the dehydration.

Good luck, I know how much of a pain the headaches can be.

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  biff44 said:
I am always shocked at how many players do not eat anything before a game! I do not see how they think they can perform with nothing in the tank!

In the morning, something like a big bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in will last a long time!

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I've always puked if I eat within 4 hours within a game, so I've stayed away from food for a while.

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When I played the other night I got the worst headache of my life so today I went to REI and bought some Nuun - I emailed them and described what happens to me to get their input on exactly how much I should take.....I'll update you guys in a couple days after I play.

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A friend of mine would get severe headaches whenever he exercised, and minor headaches most days. He'd been to a neurologist and everything looked ok. He knew he had a sore neck, so he went to psysio, accupunturists etc. He had pretty much given up, until someone suggested a chiropractor.

After a year or so of chiropractic work, he doesnt have those headaches anymore.

I dont believe the crap that is spouted about chiropractors being able to fix allergies and everything else under the sun. However, I do belive that if something is out of wack it can cause undue strain on supporting muscles thus causing pain. From that point of view I do believe that they are worth seeing.

Im not going to enter into a debate as to whether or not they are witch doctors, con artists etc. Just putting it out there as a suggestion for when people run out of ideas.

Edit: and I would be as picky as anything about who I saw and wouldnt let them near me without an xray.

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I agree that chiropractors can and do help with headaches but for me it wasn't the answer. I went twice a week for 6 months a couple years ago and the headaches were pretty much the same. The chiro works wonders for my Mom's migraines though.

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hydration is important. Back home in Singapore, I used to get the headaches as well, as we played outdoors without any shade. drank up to 3 litres of water during a normal hockey session.

One of my team mates suggested dousing your head with water after the session to get rid of the headaches... i dunno if it was a good idea until I tried it. After that, i always carried 4 litres, with the last litre used to slowly pour over the head.

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I know what your going through, Part of the reason i quit playing 5 years ago because of mygrains, and have just started back up about 9 or 10 months ago. i would wake up in the middle of the night with one, or in the morning after playing. Or in most cases get them about 45 min after playing, As soon as i am done playing i take 2 tylonal PM and i hardly get them anymore. seems to have worked very well. i know it sucks though

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Excedrin is the only thing that works for me for my headaches....usually 1 works but the other night it took 2. But I don't drink caffeine, so my body isn't used to the caffeine in the Excedrin and it tears my stomach up. Not to mention that after an 11pm game the last thing I want to do is be wired from caffeine afterward on a weeknight.

I really hope this Nuun works....I am slowly drinking it right now. Kinda tastes like watered-down grapefruit juice.

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ya I get headaches if I drink lots of beer before a game. pretty sure this is because alchohal dehydrates, so I get a headache. trying drinking lots of fluids during the day.(not beer). your suppose to drink about 7 cups of water throughout the day.

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Well, unfortunately the Nuun didn't work for me....it's 2am and my head's aching. Not as bad as the other night, but it's still bad...just popped an Excedrin.

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I think I will try the rest of the Nuun for now but I may just double the dose (two tabs) in 16oz of water. Last night I drank 2 before the game, 2 during the game and 4 after the game. Still got the headache eventually and had to piss a lot. I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should be drinking more during the game.

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Sorry hearing the Nuun didn't work. Weird thing is I got a headache after we played, also around 2 am. Usually if I get a headache I can feel it coming on while I'm playing. I also popped 2 excedrin and back to bed. Felt like a hangover but without the joy of drinking.

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