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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do I use the search tool?

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After you click on "SEARCH" at the top of the page you are presented with a number of options, what exactly do those things mean and what do they do?


This is where you type in the things that you want to find. Use the best word(s) that you can and if you don't get the result you want, try using different words. If you're using more than one word, make sure you use a + sign in front of each word as it will only return results that include all of the words you listed. If you're searching for something that has three letters or less, use the advanced search at google.com and list modsquadhockey.com to the right of where it says "domain"

Search Where:

You can select an individual forum or all forums at once. If you know the forum where the topic or post you're looking for can be found, select only that forum for your search. It will cut down on the number of results that you have to sort through to find your information. If you don't know or the initial search doesn't come back with what you want, search all forums in the event that the topic or post was moved.

Refine Search:

"Search posts from..." allows you to narrow down the time frame of your search. This will return fewer results, and only results from the time period that you specify. When in doubt, leave it at "any date" and you will get related posts that go back to 2004.

"Search where" allows you to only search topics or the texts of every post. "Topics only" will return fewer results and can often help you find the correct topic much more quickly than "Entire post". We strongly suggest that you try using this option first.

"Sort results by..." allows you to change the display order of the results. This can help if you know that a topic had a large number of replies or if it was a specific member who said something that you want to find. If you're new to the serarch tool, we suggest leaving this in the default settings and it will show you the newest related results first.

"Result type" allows you to change how the results look. "Results as topics" will show you the overall topics while the "Results as posts" will show you the actual posts. Results as topics will work best if you are looking for general information while the results as posts will probably work best if you are looking for a particular post.

Please feel free to experiment and play around with the search tool and share any helpful hints that you may have.

If you still have questions about the search, please ask them below.

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It'd be quite nice if the search function would actually let you ... search..

"One or all of your search keywords were below 2 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please go back and increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords."

Looking for information/reviews/whatever on a specific model skate. I'm quite sure if i make a new thread it'll just be locked and i'll be told something to the effect of "Theres 1000 threads on this, use the search"


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It'd be quite nice if the search function would actually let you ... search..

"One or all of your search keywords were below 2 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please go back and increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords."

Looking for information/reviews/whatever on a specific model skate. I'm quite sure if i make a new thread it'll just be locked and i'll be told something to the effect of "Theres 1000 threads on this, use the search"


A little detail on what you're looking for would make it easier to help, unless you were just looking to complain.

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It'd be quite nice if the search function would actually let you ... search..

"One or all of your search keywords were below 2 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please go back and increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords."

Looking for information/reviews/whatever on a specific model skate. I'm quite sure if i make a new thread it'll just be locked and i'll be told something to the effect of "Theres 1000 threads on this, use the search"


Doing what JR had posted in the second post in this thread will help. I rarely can't find a thread if I'm looking to link someone, typically it's because the post was off-topic in the original thread... even then, I can typically find it.

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A little detail on what you're looking for would make it easier to help, unless you were just looking to complain.

found what i needed i believe. was just looking to complain.

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