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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cheaper skates

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Hey Everybody

I'm looking for some pretty cheap inline skates, I've spent pretty much all my money getting some pretty high end ice hockey equipment, and I'm looking for some inline skates to just play around in when I can't get to the rink (which is 2.5 hours away). Pretty much my budget is around 100 dollars maybe 130 at the very most. And I know pretty much all brands have some kind of offerings in this range so I'm looking for advice for what will give me the best bang for the buck in this price range...and if nothing really fits that what skates should I avoid. Not sure if any of this helps, but I'll be using them mostly outdoors, I play ice in a NBH Vapor XXXX ice skate size 10.5 D, I've got a very flat foot and an enlarged ankle bone. Any recommendations would be awesome, I've got about 2 weeks before I can get to a shop to try stuff on so I'd like to have an idea of what I'm looking for before I go. Also I found some NBH FlexLite 9R skates in my price range, I know they are an older model skate, anybody know anything about them? And most skates I've seen online don't come in half sizes, since I've been skating in an 10.5 on ice should I go with an 11 or a 10 for inline if I'm not able to try on in a shop and do Nike ice boots fit the same as their roller boots?

I know I've got a lot of questions but I couldn't find any answers in older threads so any help would be great...thanks


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what i do for road hockey is just go to a local sporting goods store and pick up a pair of whatever fits for $100. They usually last me a while depending how much I play at one point it was once a week for a whole 6 straight months then they finally broke down over the summer when I was using them 3-4 times a week. I was using missions and really like their skate even from my days of inline, but right now I'm in a pair of bauers and they are fine.

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yea i've heard of ebay, but i don't have paypal, and i'm probably going to buy them at my LHS, just looking for some info ahead of time so I don't get some kid putting me in something i don't need, and I don't have any ice boots to put sprungs on.

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I'd also like the answers to these questions.

I'm looking to get a set of ~$100 skates for use in the garage and whatnot, and I have no idea what will fit or how the boots compare to ice.

Mission BSX, HE1500, HGX

NikeBuaer Supreme Edge, Supreme Accel, Mega 50-90/40-70, Flexlite Speed

Tour Formula 9

I'm in 11.5E CCM Vectors, but I need a higher volume skate, and an idea of what size to get.

eBay is great and all for deals, but IDK WTF I should look at, I have no experience with inline skates and my LHS doesn't sell roller.

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I would try out some Tour Formula 9's me never being in any other skate could make me a little bias but i have had them for almost a year now and they never hurt. every once in a while i will get like an arch pain but after about 10 min it is gone. The only reason these are bad is because you cant put sprungs on them. or in that case any skate that is around $100. at least thats what keith from sprung told me. And rustpot I think tour sells there skates one size down from your shoe size. My shoe is 11 my skate is 10. Mission is the same size as shoe and NBH idk. I dont like their rocker chassis idea. If we wanted to skate with a rocker we woukld play ice. Well thats just me

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