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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Semi-beginner skates

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I posted this same question on the icewarehouse forums but I wanted to post here too because there are so many knowledgable people here. Basically I'm 26 years old, ~5'8, 140 lbs. I've been playing roller hockey off and on since '91ish. I've been playing competitive roller hockey in a league for about 2.5 years and I have played defense my whole life. I'm currently playing in an intermediate league. So basically my skills are fairly decent.

I want to start making a transition to ice hockey as I'm graduating soon and should finally be able to afford it :) . I have ice skated quite a bit in the past but have never owned my own skates. I always use the rentals. The only thing that I just cannot do with ice skates is stop. I've tried hard but I have to to succeed. So anyways I'm gonna be taking either the intermediate or beginner ice skating class at one of my local rinks soon so I need some skates that would be good for me. I currently have Mission Assassin roller hockey skates and I like them a lot, although the Mission ice skates don't seem to be too great.

So the question is, should I be looking at beginner/intermediate skates or should I be looking at higher end skates? I've been roller blading for way more than half of my life. I plan on playing a season or two in the beginner ice hockey league and then moving up to intermediate. I want to get skates that are good for my level and will last. I don't want to have to buy skates again after one season. What range should I be looking in? I guess it would be nice to spend $200 or less but at the same time I don't want to have to spend another $300 next season because I didn't get skates that were good for me initially.

I figured it would be better to ask people here rather than the guy at the shop who is of course going to want me to spend as much money as I have. I feel like my ankle strength is good so I think that I would be better off with stiffer skates. Honestly though I don't know so that's why I'm asking. I'm not looking for specific recommendations because I'm still going to go to the store and find what fits me best. Thank you and sorry for the extra long post!

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Well, above all, you need a skate that fits your foot correctly. Just go to you LHS and get fitted, and find what's the most comfortable. Right now, a lot of the higher end skates are on clearance so you could probably find a good deal on those if you want more bang for you buck. But if not then the intermediate class would be...RBK 5k, Vector 6.0, etc.., in that price range.

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I don't know why you are under the impression that Mission ice skates aren't good but I've heard some good things about their skates. And since you clearly are comfortable in Mission boots it might make the transition to ice easier. You can find really good deals on their mid-end skates right now and they come with what I hear are the best holders on the market, the Pitch 3, which allows you to tailor the pitch of your skates (forward, neutral, or heel) to your liking in just a few seconds.

If you really don't want Mission then Ashton's suggestions are good. The Vector 6.0s I think can be found on either Giant or Monkey for around $150 I think, maybe even less.

Good luck!

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As sitzleijd said, Mission makes good skates. I've had 3 pairs and never had a problem. The only reason I'm not wearing them now is because of an ankle injury.

If you are comfortable with missions, try those, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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Thanks for the advice guys. I'll probably be purchasing them from my LHS because of warranty issues and whatnot and they're stingy about online price matching. They'll do it but then I have to pay $25 for baking plus I don't know how much for the first sharpening.

I guess the question I'm asking is what price range should I be looking in to suit my needs? I guessing about $200 from your recommendations of vector 6.0, rbk 5k, nb XXII, etc? That level of skate will last me a while? I'm hoping to get skates that will last a year or two and allow me to grow with them.

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Thanks for the advice guys. I'll probably be purchasing them from my LHS because of warranty issues and whatnot and they're stingy about online price matching. They'll do it but then I have to pay $25 for baking plus I don't know how much for the first sharpening.

I guess the question I'm asking is what price range should I be looking in to suit my needs? I guessing about $200 from your recommendations of vector 6.0, rbk 5k, nb XXII, etc? That level of skate will last me a while? I'm hoping to get skates that will last a year or two and allow me to grow with them.

I would say with your ability level on wheels you shoud take it one more step up to the 7k's 8.0 etc... Or you will outgrow them. This is coming from personal exp. By the way I think its awesome that your LHS matches internet prices. The pumps eliminate baking most the time if they fit too. Good luck!!

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My first skates were cheap and lasted less than six months. My next skates were just below the top line.

I would look at these skates:

Vector 8

RBK 7k

Vapor XXV

Supreme One70

Mission 100 AG/XP

Those are all just a step below the top line, have almost all the features, and at your weight should last a good long time. Plus they should all be at or under $300.

Also, HIGHLY recommend going to a LHS and getting fitted. Try on every skate, feel which one is most comfortable. Try going 1/2 size up and down, and also try D and E/EE width. My first LHS fitted me into 8D, which was too long and narrow. I had to buy new skates again for my proper size, 7.5EE. Try on EVERYTHING and good luck!

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keep in mind roller boots feel softer then ice boots.

For most cases, yes. For Mission they are about on par with one another.

I'd try AG 90's and AG 100's if the Assassins are comfy, that'll be about your equivalent ice boot, and a very similar build and fit.

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keep in mind roller boots feel softer then ice boots.

For most cases, yes. For Mission they are about on par with one another.

I'd try AG 90's and AG 100's if the Assassins are comfy, that'll be about your equivalent ice boot, and a very similar build and fit.

I went in to the shop yesterday and tried a bunch of stuff. I tried on so many skates I cut my finger open tying them all up lol. The only ones that fit ok were the NBH vapor line. Even those felt a little tight in a D on my left foot. The right foot felt great. The toebox is huge for me though but I don't know how much that matters. The salesguy said that doesn't matter at all.

I didn't get a chance to try on the Missions though. So you think I would probably be better off with the AG line vs the XP? What about the new one they're coming out with, the AGX or something. I was thinking that this skate would be the closest to the syndicate line of any of the skates but they don't carry it yet so I couldn't look at it. Do Mission ice and roller boots fit the same in sizing? My shop only carries Mission 95s and 100s, they don't have the 90s. Do you think I should try the 95s?

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Vapors are the only skate that fit my feet well and I didn't like the fit of anything from Mission. If you thought the toe box was too big, try and find last year's model, it has a smaller toe box. Also, with good skates you should be able to bake them, in which case they will form to your feet a little better.

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Thanks for the advice guys. I'll probably be purchasing them from my LHS because of warranty issues and whatnot and they're stingy about online price matching. They'll do it but then I have to pay $25 for baking plus I don't know how much for the first sharpening.

I guess the question I'm asking is what price range should I be looking in to suit my needs? I guessing about $200 from your recommendations of vector 6.0, rbk 5k, nb XXII, etc? That level of skate will last me a while? I'm hoping to get skates that will last a year or two and allow me to grow with them.

You should have no prblem getting that kind of life out of any of those skates. More than anything, make sure the fit is right.

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