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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any body watching the Sabres philly game on vs?

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I suppose that is worse than a bunch of people abusing a busload of American peewee kids up in Quebec province. I guess that means all Quebecois take the cake, too.

You raise a good point and we obviously shouldn't generalize. That said, seing a group of people literally beat up two other people who were wearing visiting jerseys and who were trapped in a bathroom is clearly the worst thing I've ever seen at a sporting event. It was irrational, frenzied barbarism. Abusing grade school kids, though, is beyond the pale, too. I can't comprehend that.

I think the problem is people who over-identify with their teams and who have no other outlet for emotions. They invest everything in their team, and rivalries get blown way out of proportion. Fortunately or not, I've moved several times in the last 10 years, so I've never really latched on to a team. I'll go to a game and key on a player, or I'll pull for whatever team seems to play a style I prefer or seems to be elevating its game with sheer will. Absent that, I'll just pull for the underdog. So, I've never felt that crazed, violent allegiance to a team before, and seeing it scares and saddens me.

When I see a 40 year old guy throwing stuff on the ice and cursing at a ref or a visiting player, I can't help but think of the poor kid sitting near by who is just learning about hockey and who is there for his or her birthday. What a revolting thing to have to see. What a way to sour a kid on sports.

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Boston fans are annoying, I avoid the city or games against a Boston team so I don't have to deal with large amounts of them. Last time I went to a Lightning/Bruins game I almost killed a guy because he couldnt come up with a better response to "You're a dumbass" than "Boston RULES."

But "you're a dumbass" is a real zinger?

What else are you going to say to a guy that walks up to you wearing a bruins jersey, after they lose, and he starts screaming "woooooo" in front of you?

How about, "If you're this excited after a loss, I'd hate to see you when they win." Just off the top of my head.

On a message board yes, but not when someone has their face 4" away from yours. I called him a dumbass and walked around him.

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Yes Flyer fans can be extremely low class; and I'm definitly not trying to stir the pot, but I was at the first game of the playoffs when Campbell hit Umberger, and the Sabres fans were going nuts. Now I would be the first to say it was an alright check. When I played checking leagues, I loved plastering guys, but if I hurt someone (which didn't happen often being only 5'10")I always would be the first to check and see if he was ok after his teammates came to beat me up haha. The fact that their fans were going nuts didn't show me much class.

1) My apologies to fans of umberger. Dimatrakos gave him that buddy pass, and he did a post-grad year at my high school so when I saw that I was like... daaaamn what a buddy pass.

2) Did the sabres fan boo an injured player getting up? I don't think so. (they could have, but I didn't see the game live, just the hit on Sports Center)

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I suppose that is worse than a bunch of people abusing a busload of American peewee kids up in Quebec province. I guess that means all Quebecois take the cake, too.

For the record, Fredericton NB took those same kids back, developped a series called the Friendship series, and the US team was more than happy. CBC even made a low budget film on it.

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