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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Professional Equipment Cleaning Services

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I've read the posts about home techniques to deal with equipment odor. I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with the two professional options that seem to be out there. (Well at least out here in Vancouver!)

1. Esporta

This is the laundry like process that’s endorsed by Walter Gretzky. Cost $45 Cdn. They can’t do skates or helmets. Takes about 24 hours.

2. SaniSport

This is a special locker where your equipment is tossed in, doors are closed, and then they pump it full of some magic chemical that kills the bacteria. Cost $25 Cdn. They can do skates and helmets. Takes about 20 minutes.

- Has anyone tried either of these type of cleaning services/techniques?

- Do equipment manufactures endorse either of them? (Maybe not as they’d probably like us to toss the smelly stuff and buy new gear each year!)

Advice is appreciated.


P.S. If any of you read the CCM forum you'll see I posted the same questions as their corporate moderators are active so I'm interested in the manufacturer's perspective.

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We have members from most of the manufacturers here, though a lot of them hide who they work for.

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i just used hockeywash, it looks like Esporta description... heres there web site, funny you talk about this, i just whent to get my hockey equipment back like now... I think its good but i just gave it its first try, the smell is funny but not bad (just doesnt smell like hockey anymore) the equipment looks fine exept that some stitching looks streched and the equipment looks deformed (like not worn by you) I can post how the equipment feels l8ter this week if I try em... I did this since i've been playing with the same stuff for 4 years and I play in a mens league so my equipment comes right out of my pocket, If I was in Junior leagues where you change every year, i would not have done this... secondly, i don't addapt very well to new stuff.. heres there web site, i'm in Ottawa Canada


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I used the Sport Clean service when I was in HB earlier in the year..I believe they used Esporta...and it made a huge difference in getting the stink out of my gear...they do skates and helmets..but i believe they do them sepearately (i didn't have covers for my tuuk's)..

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NHL teams can buy any of these machines that they want, yet, they only buy Sani Sport.

Toronto specifically bought their machine because of an infection that nearly caused a player to lose his arm!

The difference between the two is night and day.

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NHL teams can buy any of these machines that they want, yet, they only buy Sani Sport.

Toronto specifically bought their machine because of an infection that nearly caused a player to lose his arm!

The difference between the two is night and day.

That Renberg situation was ugly.

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Hell I know guys that should be put in one of the machines. Until they get a decent one around here I'll stick to the pool.

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