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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX Stick'um

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I have checked my NBH order acknowledgements. The Vapor XXXX Stickum is scheduled to be shipped 4/15/08, if your LHS ordered on time for April booking delivery.

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What does the XXXX feel like compared to an S17. I borrowed a friend's S17 and they feel really dead in feel and shooting. The stick just doesn't feel like an extension of my arm with an S17. Im hoping to u/grade to a XXXX stick'um soon.

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Kemps has em in the store...they were way to sticky for me. I really do like the One90 chrome though...but figure it will start to look like dog excrement after little use as it chips.

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Kemps has em in the store...they were way to sticky for me. I really do like the One90 chrome though...but figure it will start to look like dog excrement after little use as it chips.

Well as long as they leave "prettiest stick" off the score sheet, we'll be fine then, won't we? ;) I'm just joshin' ya...

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