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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playing my first season of ice hockey

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Figure out where you're supposed to be on the ice for whatever position you're playing. Your teammates will appreciate it :)

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already said, but keep your head up. Also, hockey is all about skating. The shooting and stickhandling and everything else will come with time. Learn to skate WELL, that is the most important part. Practice every free second you can have on the ice. take a power skating class. Learn to skate, #1.

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  ju87 said:

Don't know if this has been mentioned: get properly fitted for skates. Otherwise, have fun !

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EXCELLENT POINT!!! Too many new people to the sport pick up skates based on aestetics, or recommendations from a more experienced player. Ensure that you have a LHS professional assist you and talk to you extensively about different skates and how the proper fit should feel on your feet.

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Looks like a good league. I may sign up as a pool player to get the extra ice time that everyone suggests. Good luck.

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one piece of advice I haven't seen mentioned here is:

go to the gym. strong legs, abs and lower back are essential to skating "properly" IE, when your legs get tired, you stand more upright which will cause you to lose your balance more easily. You have to have strong legs to maintain a deep knee bend for more than 10 or 15 secs of skating.

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Don't hold your stick to tight... ie. don't be scared to make a mistake. You are going to lose the puck eventually, don't be paralyzed with fear in making the wrong play. ANd if in doubt, get it deep, or out of the defensive zone

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IMHO, pick out some gear from a LHS instead of online like on here or ebay. An uncomfortable pair of elbow pads, some shoulder pads that chafe your nipples to death (ask me how I know!), or shin pads that are always coming loose make the game a lot crappier to play.

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I came close to quitting beer league play for a variety of reasons, but I'm sticking with it because I just love playing hockey and I'm not going to let the friends I made on the team down. Good luck and welcome to the addiction. You will learn that a late night of hockey is worth a tired next day at work.

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