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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX question

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I bought a pair of Vapor XX's yesterday and once I got home I was looking closely at them and noticed that on the outside of the skates where the material meets the plastic not the toe cap but the grey piece before it looks like the black outsole doesn't completly touch the grey material. Does anyone have pics of their vapor xx's so I could compare or anyone with them notice the same thing thanks. It's on both skates, more on one than the other though.


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Ecellent question, the gap that you see happens on certain sizes...some more than others....this is caused by the abrasion pad......which has been modified lately...not sure from the pics what this size is. Not to worry, this will not effect your performance....still...... You can show this to your pro shop for his feedback but based from what I see on your picture it looks normal.

For the record for all of you guys out there....I will not respond to all of your questions... (ie...how many player at the WC on XXX...what will be the $$ for the XXX, etc.) if your LHS can not get answers that are important to you I will help out....trust me. In general, your LHS are very good. Please understand this & appreciate my pov.

I do not go to bed counting the # of sheep jumping over the fence.....the only thing I see jumping over the fence is what skates could, should, will be like....

Going dreaming

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That pic looks like a product shot that he edited in paint or photoshop. As for the quality of local shops, mine denies the XXX exists and believes XX fit true to shoe size. You'd think after having a team in the area for 100 years we'd have a half decent shop by now.

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That's just a stock pic I have 7.5D skates. Thanks very much anyway, If It does break I have a 1 year waranty on defects fom my LHS for any defects and they're usually good to me. I was just wonderng, I figured if it looked wrong they would have said something at the pro shop cuz I had them heated and sharpened. Thanks.

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I have a gap similar to that on my Easton Z-Airs. I have had those skates for a little over 2 seasons and haven't had any problems with it. I think it will be alright.

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