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collegiate roller hockey?

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Hey I'm thinking I might toy around with my colleges roller team next year not sure...I was wondering if anyone here plays and could give me a general idea of the level and general info.

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Depends on your area and the division... the top tier in the midwest is a pretty high level of competition, obviously Lindenwood is the most well known.

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I've played with kids that play in both midwest tier 1 and tier II and there's some good talent, it's mostly player run teams, so it really depends on how long they've been playing together, how dedicated they are, etc.

I know the Mizzou team, like half those kids have played together off and on since middle school... and some of the guys at Meremac have been together for a while too.

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  Ranger-#8 said:

Hey I'm thinking I might toy around with my colleges roller team next year not sure...I was wondering if anyone here plays and could give me a general idea of the level and general info.

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yeah it depends on your region, but there are I think 3 divisions of competition. D1 is extremely competitive, D2 a little less, etc. There is a place for everybody.

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  DCott said:
  Ranger-#8 said:

Hey I'm thinking I might toy around with my colleges roller team next year not sure...I was wondering if anyone here plays and could give me a general idea of the level and general info.

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yeah it depends on your region, but there are I think 3 divisions of competition. D1 is extremely competitive, D2 a little less, etc. There is a place for everybody.

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There are 7 regions, 3 Divisions + a B division for teams with a 2nd/B team.

Divisions do not have anything to do with level of competition. There are plenty of DII teams that are capable of dominating a DI team. It just has to do with school size. I've seen DIII schools compete with top DI teams. ECRHA is the strongest division in terms of number of quality teams (in both DI and DII)...but that is not to say that the best team is in ECRHA.

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I played from 2000-2002 (ECHRA) but unfortunately we had just joined the league as of the year or two before and were AWFUL.

The experience however was great. Depending on the level of funding you get from your student council and fundraising you do, you can do a lot of traveling and tournaments.

Unfortunately being player run and mostly self-funded, the amount of $$$ you can raise/put up will determine how much you get in terms of rink time/ travel expenses/tournament fees/uni's/ etc.

Other than that, it's hockey w/ a bunch of guys you know. That was good enough for me.

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I know its an old topic, but I figured I would just resurrect instead of making a new one...

Anybody playing in the secrhl? I just signed to play for Bethel University today (on scholarship actually) just wondering if anyone is out there that we might be playing.

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  scorpionhockey55 said:
I know its an old topic, but I figured I would just resurrect instead of making a new one...

Anybody playing in the secrhl? I just signed to play for Bethel University today (on scholarship actually) just wondering if anyone is out there that we might be playing.

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I play in the secrhl. Well as far as I know Bethel University does not play in the secrhl and no offense but I have never heard of them. But here is the website for the secrhl: http://secrhl.org/

In terms of collegiate roller hockey a whole, I love it. I mean I'm playing DII for the University of Miami and it is great. It very competitive in the secrhl but also a lot of fun. In addition, we have gotten some pretty sick gear including home and away jerseys and pants, gloves, helmets, bauer one85 sticks and labeda dynasty II wheels all for free which is always nice.

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  scorpionhockey55 said:
You've never heard of them because this is our first year.


We will be DII as well to start. Hope to see you guys on the rink. I'm excited.

edit: here is the school website


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O ok cool. Look forward to hopefully playing you guys then.

By the way I looked at those sites you posted and do you give out scholarships for hockey? cause that's what it seems like cause it said like people signed to play hockey there.

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  scorpionhockey55 said:
Yes, I got a scholarship to play. Not a full ride but it was about a 3rd of my tuition.
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Wow, besides Lindenwood your the only other school ive heard of that gives scholarships for roller hockey.

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They are trying to get their student count up. Plus it's a private christian college...so I doubt they are struggling for money. Great opportunity though. I couldn't pass it up.

Where do you guys usually play? Is it tournament style, where everyone meets in one location and play 2-3 games a day?

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  scorpionhockey55 said:
They are trying to get their student count up. Plus it's a private christian college...so I doubt they are struggling for money. Great opportunity though. I couldn't pass it up.

Where do you guys usually play? Is it tournament style, where everyone meets in one location and play 2-3 games a day?

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Wow, thats pretty awesome they're paying you to play. Yea it's tournament style and play 4 games over a weekend so usually 3 on saturday and then 1 on sunday. We played 2 weekends in different places in florida, once in south carolina and then twice in georgia (once for regionals) so we went all over.

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  scorpionhockey55 said:
Sounds awesome, man. So who is the team to beat?
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Well this year it was Tampa. But I'm pretty sure they're losing a lot of people so idk if they'll be as good as they are now. But other than that GMU is good, Kennesaw is good and we (University of Miami) are good.

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  scorpionhockey55 said:
Well if you play Bethel, look for #55. That will be me. :)
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Sounds good. I'm sure I'll see you next semester.

  kovalchuk71 said:
Tampa is losing a bunch of people? Horray!
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Haha I'm not really sure how many people they are losing but I know their best forward and their goalie are seniors so I'm hoping they are graduating

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