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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick breakage

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what sticks do you think were broken the most? ,i think they should keep some sorta record for different types of sticks and how many hav broken.

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Since Easton is the most common stick brand one would have to assume more of their sticks broke. Keeping track would be somewhat pointless.

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If it's going to be the same people tracking other NHL stats, how will they know if sticks are cracked and replaced at the bench or just swapped out before they fully break? If the team is keeping track, what's to stop an equipment guy from marking up a few as cracked and selling them out the back door? That already happens.

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Next year the NHL will be keeping stats on what sticks break. Every stick that breaks will be recorded by the NHL.

Are they going to keep stat on how many periods/games the stick is used before it breaks, or is it just going to be a X # of Eastons, X # of CCM's etc...

If thereis no season, will they say no sticks broke????*L*

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The equipment managers will be recording when a stick breaks in a game. They will not be recording when a player takes a new stick, just when a player breaks one during a game. They will have to fill out a form, and submit it to the NHL on there laptop.

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So the numbers will be skewed by the guys who are too dumb to grab a new stick after being slashed hard? Brilliant plan, those numbers should be worthless.

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The other problem is that some players make alterations to sticks which decrease the durability. Not to mention the manufacturers make sticks to player specifications which could also have an effect on durability.

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Donald Brashear is heating his blades just before entering on the ice, that's why he breaks a lot of stick(OPS). I think he's doing that because he doesn't want that ice stays on his blades during the game...

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So the blade will conduct heat for the entire game? Derrrr.

If that were the case he should try this new thing they have out called wax.

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My best guess would be to change the curve on it. Yeah it's not a good idea for those of us that buy our own, but he gets his for free and doesn't care about weakening it.

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Players will not be getting there sticks as customized next year. The NHL is conducting tests to make strength requirements for one-pieces, and all sticks must meet these requirements. They will go into dressing rooms and take sticks at Random, and if the stick is not strong enough players/teams/manufacturers will be fined.

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From what I hear and see, composite sticks do not fail any more often- they just fail without warning so you see the breakage during play. With a wood stick, you can feel when it is cracked and replace it without anyone seeing the "break".

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I believe it's called catastrophic failure when referring to composites.

Ask Ponty about the blades, he sees blades on OPS's that have been heated and torched all the time.

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I heard one theory the NHL was looking into that when teams travel via airplane, the sticks are stored in the hull which is a non-pressurized, non-climate-controlled environment which reaches extremely cold temperatures. The theory is that this kind of exposure to pressure and cold compromises the structual integrity of the sticks.

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