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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Re-Padding a helmet

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I have an old CCM HT type helmet I found in the garage at my parent's house from the 90s. I didnt think I had another one, but there it was, but the padding has fallen out. The padding is still on hand and intact, but whats the best method of re-inserting the pads into the helmet? That style helmet fits me better than any other I've worn.

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I think re-padding helmets has been discussed a few times, and the concensus (almost) always comes back the same. Don't risk your brain, buy a new bucket instead of trying to put an old one back together.

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I honestly would re-pad a helmet if you really like it(and its unavailable). Just be careful and make sure you're not just hacking away, remember your trusting your macgyver skills with your brain.

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What brain? I might pay a local shop to do it..Who knows? It may be worth the $20 or whatever it costs. It shouldnt cost any more than that, since all they would need is glue.

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The local shop who fixes/repads a helmet runs a huge insurance liability risk. As simple as the job may sound, one header into the wall and somebody will come running to the shop with a lawsuit in hand claiming negligence. "I pity the fool who fixes that helmet."

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The foam is completely intact..It is an identical model to my other HT helmet but a different color. I believe the pads just fell out due to being stuffed in a box in the garage for over 10 years. I dont need new foam, just need the foam re-inserted back into the helmet..That helmet and size fits my head perfectly and is snug w/o the straps on or anything, plus the ear covers are out as well.

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The foam is completely intact..It is an identical model to my other HT helmet but a different color. I believe the pads just fell out due to being stuffed in a box in the garage for over 10 years. I dont need new foam, just need the foam re-inserted back into the helmet..That helmet and size fits my head perfectly and is snug w/o the straps on or anything, plus the ear covers are out as well.

The foam deteriorates as it ages. That's why helmets are only HECC certified for a certain period of time.

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The local shop who fixes/repads a helmet runs a huge insurance liability risk. As simple as the job may sound, one header into the wall and somebody will come running to the shop with a lawsuit in hand claiming negligence. "I pity the fool who fixes that helmet."

good effin point. We've done it in the past. Just let everybody know it's off limits now. Show them how they can do it themselves, but we're not touching it.

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if you've got your heart set on bring it back to life, it MUST be done with NEW padding. while you're at it, replace ALL the hardware (buy one of the kits online) and inspect it for any damage/aging (cracks or discoloration)


buy a new really nice helmet, which is better in every possible way for $40

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