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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Time for a new helmet as well

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I've done a little research on here, looked around etc..I'll get a new helmet and at the same time, fix up my old HT2's with a re-padding. I tried on a few helmets today and for the price, the RBK 4k fits pretty good. I like a helmet to be snug yet light. The Cascade was pretty comfortable and light too, but had too much going on color/design wise for my tastes. The $120+ price tag didnt help matters much either. Anyone else here wear the 4K RBK helmet?

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I got 6k and the 4K. Both are really great for my shape of head. Very light and comfy. I like my 4k a little more. In the 6k the sweat comes straight into my eyes, so I wear UA skull caps, when not forgetting them, don't like the Ali G optic ...but they really work...the VN in my 4k absorbs quite a lot. I'm always in size L in helmets, as in my 6k, right about the smallest position. In my 4k I had to go to a size M at the biggest position, cause the VN overlaps, when you push the helmet to the min. And so it's even tighter, although my 6K is snug as well for me, even in L. I would go for the 4k.

Edit: If it fits you like mine does.

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I know you are looking for A RBK helmet...I would consider a Vector one aswell, very comfortable padding, nice fit and very adjustable!

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And the Vector is now coming with VN...and agreed very comfortable....I already had my 6k when the Vector came out. But I really went from EPP back to VN...an again, RBK came out faster with it.

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I wear both the Rbk 4K and a NBH 4500 (not at the same time of course, I switch it up from time to time) and I feel they are both very similar in fit. The 4K is much lighter though which is good and I find the padding a bit more comfortable with its extra thin black layer of foam.

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I just switched from an HC95 to a 5500. Wow, I liked the Itech until it split in two before a game, but now I know what I was missing all this time. I like.

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I've owned an 8K for a couple years now, and I like the light weight, looks, and ease of the Fit Clip adjustment. What I don't like is the hardware (front screws rusted, leading to helmet cracking trying to remove them) and seeming flimsiness compared to my NBH helmets.

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I had the same problem with my 8k rusted screws on the front and a crack along the middle there where the rbk logo is but that said it is by far the lightest and most comfortable helmet I have ever used.

I've owned an 8K for a couple years now, and I like the light weight, looks, and ease of the Fit Clip adjustment. What I don't like is the hardware (front screws rusted, leading to helmet cracking trying to remove them) and seeming flimsiness compared to my NBH helmets.

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a little off topic but does anybody have a pic of a white rbk helment with a chrome ccm/jofa 480 cage, i'm looking into this setup just wondering what it'll look like and i didn't think it deserved its own topic.

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I've done a little research on here, looked around etc..I'll get a new helmet and at the same time, fix up my old HT2's with a re-padding. I tried on a few helmets today and for the price, the RBK 4k fits pretty good. I like a helmet to be snug yet light. The Cascade was pretty comfortable and light too, but had too much going on color/design wise for my tastes. The $120+ price tag didnt help matters much either. Anyone else here wear the 4K RBK helmet?

Might want to check out the Vector 08 as well, it comes out soon.

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My last 5-6 helmets have been ht2 or 652s. I switched to a 4k a couple af months ago and am very happy with it, however I looked at the vector 8 at the LPH Expo and it may be worth checking that out as well.

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Thanks for the responses. Im still looking arounds and thanls for the heads up the Vector 08 helmet. I never did get around to trying that on at the expo. I have til bout mid-april to find a new one.

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- last year my team had to all use 8ks and i found them to be soo sick but the bucket ears sucked. But n/p. Not the most durable helmet.

- now my team all use vector helmets and they are soo sick as well, not as light but very durable. I would recommend the vector helmet but its 99 bucks.

- nbh are probably what you should look for. 5500 is 65 bucks. Will get cheaper when 9500 comes out maybe only 50 bucks l8er.

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