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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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KOR sticks

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  Chadd said:
  johnpace2 said:
  OuiMonsieur said:

Companies should invest more in graphic design. That stick looks brutal.

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Sticks looks just fine to me.

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The graphics don't compare favorably to other manufacturers and that's the second biggest factor in customers buying a stick. Brand recognition is number one.

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Very true. I really do like the look of it. Personaly I think it looks better then some of the flashy colored sticks out there, such as the "O" stick, but that's just my personal opinion. It reminds me a bit of the old Vapor XX. But yeah the brand recognition is what people pay big bucks for.

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Cheap photoshop effects on type and simulating metal sheets aren't the way to go IMO. Heck, I was doing that kind of stuff in my 1st year of Graphic Design in college when I didn't know any better. Looks juvenile and unprofessional.

Even the KOR signature looks like it was created by someone working out of his basement. Bad ligatures, bad stroke weights, unoriginal and uninspiring.

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  OuiMonsieur said:

Cheap photoshop effects on type and simulating metal sheets aren't the way to go IMO. Heck, I was doing that kind of stuff in my 1st year of Graphic Design in college when I didn't know any better. Looks juvenile and unprofessional.

Even the KOR signature looks like it was created by someone working out of his basement. Bad ligatures, bad stroke weights, unoriginal and uninspiring.

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How is their design any different from other big name companies whose logos are just as simple? NBH's swoosh with the word "bauer", or Reebok's three letter "Rbk", wow, creative.

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  TBLfan said:

...yet, doesn't say anything about the potential quality of the stick.

The 9K design is much worse.

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Now that I have a 9k it's growing on me quite a bit.

I'd love to get my hands on a Kor, but it seems my bank account disagrees.

SRI- I know you've said 4 flexes, but are those going to be Jr/Int/Sr/Sr? If so, what changes from the Int to the senior in terms of length, shaft size, etc?

If Kor has a senior 65 and 75 that would be amazing. I feel 85 is just too stiff for me, taking wristers, off balance shots, no slappers, etc. I've been trying to get my hands on a NBH 77 as that seems the best option right now in terms of keeping the senior shaft size and lowering the flex.

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  Trudy14 said:

How is their design any different from other big name companies whose logos are just as simple? NBH's swoosh with the word "bauer", or Reebok's three letter "Rbk", wow, creative.

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I'm not talking about the naming. I'm only talking about the execution. Huge difference.

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In the month or so I've had the Kors on display in the store, everyone picks them up, so the graphic and curb appeal must be appealing enough. Other sticks never get touched.

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I really like how they look and think its nice they have a different but original logo and if one is ever made with a p72 clone blade ill buy it.

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  jimmy said:

In the month or so I've had the Kors on display in the store, everyone picks them up, so the graphic and curb appeal must be appealing enough. Other sticks never get touched.

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I'm guessing than thats because its a new product from a relatively unknown company. Just like Powerteks and Ballistiks and my LHS. People pick them up because they are cheaper and want to see how they compare to the "big names".

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