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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Longest Game

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so it is playoff time over here in germany, at this point it is a best of seven series, if a game is tied after regular time it goes in overtime, no shoot out. so the last weekend there were two games going way over the regular time. the iserlohn roosters beat the frankfurt lions 3:2 after the 3rd overtime at 135:09 minutes game played, as if this wouldn´t be enough the cologne sharks beat the mannheim eagles 5:4 in the 6th overtime, that means the guys played 168:16 minutes. so both games were funny to watch in tv because after the second overtime the guys played like they are drunk, because of dehydration and they were just totally pumped out.

so guys let me know what are your experiences, what is the longest game you´ve played on, and how did you make it. mine was´nt quite as long, two perios of overtime and a game winner at 18:45, but i was dead!!

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a few years back i was in a silver stick qualifier and they had a very sweet overtime...

we scored with 1 sec left in 3rd period, and went on for 3 overtimes 5 on 5. the next overtime was 4 on 4, then 3 on 3, then 2 on 2, then 1 on 1. i was insane but we finally ended up winning in 10 overtimes

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i had 7 overtime game in a tourney. 1st time was the semis and we had 94 shots, they had 18 and we lost 2-1.

The B final went to triple overtime and we won it.

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3.5 hour pick up game. Keep in mind this was inline. We had 7 or 8 subs on each side, and after 2 hours plus, most of them had left. By the end, everyone was basically just walking in skates.

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We got a 24-hour "Tournament" each year to open the summer season in our rink. It´s about 70 to 100 guys on 2 teams, cycling through. Some take a nap for a couple of hours or hang out at the rinks bar and then rejoin some leave early obviously. Last time I took part I played for 6 hours straight took a nap and then played another 2 before heading off for work :D Crazy despite you basically have 8 lines per team.

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I've played probably 8 hours straight of pickup but I don't really count that as a game.

Kind of different because the time played was average but about a year and a half ago in a rec league, this one game was just a mess.

It ended in regulation but I've never had such a dysfunctional game. The ice was horrible that night, people were catching their blades on everything, and at one point the Ice chipped straight through to the plywood underneath it. They really wanted to get this game done for some reason so that patch up took probably 30 minutes itself.

Penalties and arguments happened, fights left and right. Our 9 man roster ended with 5 + a goalie. People started getting tossed out because they just wanted to go home. It started at 9 and we didn't end until 2am.

Then I decided the ice, the officials, and the players at that rink were kind of all....shit :P

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Mine was last year in the playoffs. The other second year D-man on our team had to leave the game with a split chin. So I played the last 7-10 minutes of the third and then I played the first half of overtime before scoring the winner from the point. Quick snapper top left.

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Probably when i was in atom in our last tournament,it was the semi final. We went to triple overtime 2 vs 2 one of our players hit a rut in the ice and fell which left the other player on a break away which they scored on. It kinda sucked but i think we were just glad that it was over because we were exhausted.

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Boy do I have a story. Well back a couple years ago in the Tier 1 New England Regionals it went to the last minute of the 3rd OT, and I got a breakaway, and scored.

I was so happy that I cried like a little girl. B)

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24 hour game for charity

that sounds amazing i would love to do that how many skaters were on each team?

20 per team

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Not much, but back-to-back 90 minute pickup sessions. Halfway through the first, I went knee-first into the boards full speed, got hurt pretty good, was back on the ice 15 minutes later. Halfway through the second session, I could barely skate both from exhaustion and the knee. I'm not in very good shape.

I've played 3+ hours of pond hockey before but that doesn't really count.

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Our team did an all night tournament that was a benefit for a kid who broke his neck. 5 games from 9PM to 5AM. Had to Ref and keep score/run the clock in between games. Plus drink beer..a few guys barfed on the bench..more from exhaustion than the beer. By the start of the 4th game my back was so stiff I had to skate almost upright. Back went out all the way in the 5th game and I remmemer telling my D Partner "Dude, I can't get up. Help me to the bench." Went to bed when the sun came up and did not get up unitl 9 that evening. It was a good time and a good cause.....

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