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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When you hear "broken back"

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Wow....When I saw the the play (sorry...no video) it didn't look like Begin hit him that hard, although it was from behind and I'm surprised they didn't call it. Maybe because it was open ice, and the board weren't a factor in the collision.

When you hear about pitchers missing games with hang nails (mind you I suppose it's damn painful to throw that kind of velocity with anything wrong with your hand/fingers) it makes you realize the kind of injuries that hockey players play though...damn tough.

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lol, blisters on fingers in baseball is terrible, it's more the coach's decision that you're going to be tossing up batting practice with any type of injury to your hand.

but only missing two games for something like your back is crazy, i like "cracked" my anatomical snuffbox and missed 2 weeks, and then still played through a shitload of pain. Kudo's to Savard, a lot tougher than I thought he was.

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He has quite the advantage over you, he has +/- 5mil. helping soothe that back pain.

On a more realistic note, I was listening to center ice at my desk this afternoon and they said that basically from what they found out if you were going to break a bone in your back that was the one to break it. I guess its like one of those bones in your foot that you can break and still function without any serious problems.


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Do you have a link to the hit?

You could look for game highlights from the last Habs-Bruins game, but since there wasn't a penalty called, I'm not sure they'd have video of it.

Nothing on YT.

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You have to have big go-nads to stick out a broken back...props to Savard for that. Crunch time and his team is on the bubble.

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im surprised they would make information like this public? i know its wrong, but dont you think teams he is playing against are just going to target his back now?

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Savard has a broken bone in his back, not a broken back. Two different things.

True...but the TSN headline wasn't:

"Report: Savard has A Broken Bone in His Back"

the headline was:

"Report: Savard Has Broken Back"

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im surprised they would make information like this public? i know its wrong, but dont you think teams he is playing against are just going to target his back now?

No matter what the injury is it is always released to the public.

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im surprised they would make information like this public? i know its wrong, but dont you think teams he is playing against are just going to target his back now?

No matter what the injury is it is always released to the public.

this is not true at all, especially during this time of the year, its always just upper or lower body injury.. well not always, but for the most part..

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