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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Di Matteo98

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Hi I'm a new user and i was woundering if they made the Warrior Kronik in a two piece.

Also what curve would be the closest to a Nike/Bauer P91A out side of nike/bauer??

thanks achmed

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is there a p92a or p92 clone in a ccm??? also what do you think of the ccm v10.0 and v 8.0 gloves?

No, they don't have a clone or nearly identical blade. The new CCM gloves are terrible, probably the worst glove line from any major (or secondary) manufacturer on the market right now.

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Achmed, do you mean the P91A/P91 patterns? If so, closest CCM is Ovechkin. If you did mean P92, CCM doesn't have an equivalent as chadd said.

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Granted they were wood, but the only Ovechkin blades I've seen aren't like them at all. More of a sloping curve than a wedge. Kind of like a smaller P106.

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The only true match I would know of is some random Yzerman pro pattern and you'd have a hard time getting one, let alone the same pattern since he changed a bunch.

You'd get clones of the P91, which would be the Warrior Kovalev and Easton Drury.

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Hmm, I'm not sure. I haven't seen one other than the lame sketches on NBH.com but I thought it was more shallow than a Drury.

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Whats the closest clone for the P91A in all the different brands other than easton and warrior I went to my local hockey store, and they didn't even know what I was talking about all the workers there have there heads up there ass. Thats my second favorite curve it's getting hard to get a lidstrom around where I live (at a reasonable price. It's not very popular any more) in a one or two piece, I can't wait that long to get a new lidstrom curve because I have to order a stick for my back up and I can't wait that long I have till monday before I start up hockey again. I need a stick because my cousin is trying out my 120 flex stick.

Edit: Is there one for RBK? (retail?)


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p91a is close to a drury though i feel that it has a shorter blade

the ove curve in ccm is close too but seems to have more curve to it, more like a moderate than a slight

also has a weird heel, my vector4.0 blades have it and ive seen it on the 10s too, its like a squared off heel

out of all of them i prefer the p91a, on a vapor xxxx absoult money

if what ive read is correct, rbks crosby curve for 08 is listed as an open-heel

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p91a is close to a drury though i feel that it has a shorter blade

the ove curve in ccm is close too but seems to have more curve to it, more like a moderate than a slight

also has a weird heel, my vector4.0 blades have it and ive seen it on the 10s too, its like a squared off heel

out of all of them i prefer the p91a, on a vapor xxxx absoult money

if what ive read is correct, rbks crosby curve for 08 is listed as an open-heel

Ok thanks anyways, my cousin stop by this morning and gave me back my AK27 shaft back so I'm good. He said it was way too stiff but I love the shaft so I guessing it's a personal preference.

Thanks anyways


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