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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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team bonding

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hey guys theres a new team just been formed in my town to play in a once off tournament and iv just been named captain and im trying to bring the team together with an activity or somethin does anyone have any ideas?deyd be much appreciated thanks

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Get everyone together and watch slapshot after a practice or get people together to watch an NHL game on TV if possible.

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Wear matching jackets, and hit a local mall... pick on some "faggots" and "dorks". That always seemed to work for the teams in high school... haha

In all seriousness, play some out-of-hockey intermurial sports, some basketball, lacrosse or something. Have a team dinner at a players house every say, Tuesday- get to meet the players family, see their home, type of environment he/she grew up in.... then plan accordingly so it's your house the last week you guys play together. Make it clear you're honored to captain/play with the group of guys you're playing with.

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NHL game on TV if possible.

Playoff games on the weekend are a great time to get together.

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Team BBQ and kegger to watch one night of the playoff games. Keep it just a team event for the first couple hours and then just open it up to a nice party. +1 if you can manage to get the tv outside to watch the games by the grill.

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being a captain myself. id say just hang out with the guys go somewhere everyone likes and hangout mall, friends house, minor league hockey game ex ex

doesnt have to be to fancy

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Team BBQ and kegger to watch one night of the playoff games. Keep it just a team event for the first couple hours and then just open it up to a nice party. +1 if you can manage to get the tv outside to watch the games by the grill.

Ya, i like this one. i think it's a great idea.

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