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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBk 8K helmet color inserts

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Does anyone know if there are any aftermarket decals, etc to change the color of the "slots" on the 8k helment. My son has black/black and team may switch to Black with red. I'd like to save some cash if possible.


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take out the inner shell, go to a hardware store and buy the right color in the wide electrical tape, put a square piece over the carbon inserts, then trim the excess with a razor blade. very easy process, takes about 20 mins. and costs like $3.00

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i make me a Custom Helm with red inserts.I buy a white 8k and painted it with the red

Here are pics of them:



by any Questions write me an pm...

I will make it for other Players too,when they came from Germany

sory for my bad english :-) i hope that helps

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how do you get the epp shell out? is it just the 4 screws, (2 forehead, and 2 in the back that strap a cage?) anything else? And, anyone know how to keep the screws from spinning on the inside?

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a few kids on my team did the electrical tape thing. worked great for them, you cant even tell its tape unless youre holding the helmet in your hands. looks great on the ice

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I went with permanent marker... still doesnt change the fact that the helmet sucks.

lol...i beg to differ...i actually like my 6k over my 8k...2 helmets for 2 teams (black, white)...

i just put black electrical tape over the silver carbon inserts of the 6k and gold over the silver inserts of the 8k...i get a lot of comments about it cause it looks real unless your really close...then u can tell its electrical tape

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I'm just glad that my 8k is ugly on the outside...

I never have to see it so I don't care what it looks like :D

Comfy as hell... that's why I got it.

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sorry for bumping this old post back but im just wondering if there is any way to remove the inserts fully for painting. if there is, do i need to buy a certain glue to put it back on the helmet shell.

-- i currently use colored duct tape on my helmet. the tape has a checkered look to it so it makes it look like legit carbon fibre. at the moment im wearing blue but previous colors i have used are.. green, silver, red, yellow and white. my rbk was provided by our minor hockey system for the canada games.. it is black with black inserts(stock)

if you have any further information on the customization of RBK helmets.. feel free to join in.

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Question: Nils, what color were the inserts before you spray painted them??

They where black

i hope that helps


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Just wondering if anyone knows anywhere where i can get a Medium 8k helmet Black with royal blue inserts i have looked at hockey monkey and eastwest but they dont seem to have that colour scheme. thanks oggy_3

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