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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Calcific Tendonitis in shoulder.....

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Well, as if having both feet reconstructed in the last 8 months isn't enough, today I got word from my Doctor that the immense pain I have been having in my shoulder for the last few weeks is calcific tendonitis - calcium deposits in and around the tendons in my left shoulder. I have actually been dealing with shoulder pain for the last 5 years but as of late it's gotten really bad.

I still have to get an MRI to confirm that that's *all* it is - I'm hoping there's no tear in there.

Anyone ever have this before? I was hoping to start skating in a few weeks once my swollen right foot heals a bit more, but now I'm wondering how long the shoulder is going to put me out of action for as well.

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No shoulder problems here, but I'm just hoping you have a really good insurance plan.

I do....my paychecks get raped for it, but I never have to pay anything except for a $15 co-pay.

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That's good to hear. I do have calcium deposits in my feet and my orthopedic surgeon says there shouldn't be any concern unless there's pain. Not that it's the same thing, but if you're experiencing pain I can't imagine it's inconsequential.

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Makes me worry about my shoulder pain.

Having Arthritis my whole life...it's difficult for me to tell what's arthritic pain and what could be a potential injury. I pass so much off as nothing because I feel like every time I get something checked out that's all it is.

Best of luck though man, let us know how the MRI turns out.

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I've got that or something similar. Haven't had the mri done, but it's either calcium or a lot of scar tissue according to my Dr. It's more annoying than painful, but it does zap a lot of strength. When it's at it's worst, I can't take slapshots or I'm in real pain.

I was told my option is to get it the stuff scoped out and then on to rehab. I should have hat it done 2 years ago when I took a break from hockey. I'm finally back to playing and I don't want to go down for 3-6 months.

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You don't even need an MRI most of the time to see calcific tendonitis. It's seen pretty easily on regular xray films. Treatments range from conservative of NSAIDS, PT.. To slightly more extreme such as cortisone and some people even have arthroscopy for debridement. I recommend get cortisone right off the bat and do PT or it will seriously linger on forever. Deplete all your resources before thinking about surgery.

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I've had 4 cortisone shots in the last 5 years in the shoulder.....no more of that for me.

One thing they do to fix CT is called "needling" - where they stick one syringe into the calcium deposit and inject it with saline solution (which breaks it up), then a second syringe is inserted to extract the calcium. Sounds painful as hell, but if it's going to make the pain go away, I'm game.

Here's a link -


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