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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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good excersises

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Do any of you guys know some good excersises(besides setups) to get some of extra fat off your stomach and turn it into some abs. Im no talkin about a lot of fat, just a little pudge.

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The only way to lose fat on your stomach is by lowering your overal body fat. Situps and other abdominal excersices will only make ur abs bigger. However, it`s important to also work your lower back, obliques and transversal abdominals.

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The only way to lose fat on your stomach is by lowering your overal body fat. Situps and other abdominal excersices will only make ur abs bigger. However, it`s important to also work your lower back, obliques and transversal abdominals.

ya i agree chris

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crunches are suppose to be better for you then situps. and by doing crunches you ARE working out ur back muscles becuz the ur adominal muscles wrap around you body to you back. so by strengthening your abs, you will be strengthening your back as well

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I have rock hard abs because I do 250 sit ups a day.. with a 10 lb weight.. with my arms stretched out behind my head.. so basically I am about an extra 2 feet longer.. I do have a six pack and if you want to get one, just do the sit ups and do aerobics and eat properly and you will have some good abs in months.

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another good ab workout is the bicycle. you lay down as to do a crunch, but u keep ur shoulders off the ground the whole time and ur legs up in the air and you just touch ur left elbow with ur right knee, then your right elbow with ur left knee. if you doing it right, your legs should be like they're peddaling a bike.

i've seen a few nhlers and boxers do this exercise

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Doing thousands of crunches or situps a day will not be as benneficial as training your abdominals like any other part of your body, once a day, hard and intense. Doing thousands of cruches will only increase your muscle endurance, and not neccissarily make your abs bigger. You want want yuo abs bigger, which would be achieved by doing less reps and pushing yourself. There are better excersices such as the corkscrew,reverese crunch and such. I`ll scan this pull out i got form a MensHealth Magazine when I get a chance.

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Oh just a quick thing, are you doing this for the ladies or hockey? Becasue it`s important to train the other muscles around your abs, such as your obliques, transversal abs and your lower back, which is the most important becasue it supports your abs.

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true chris_h, but all movement originates from your core. so it's gotta be in tip top shape just as much as your legs for hockey

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I have rock hard abs because I do 250 sit ups a day.. with a 10 lb weight.. with my arms stretched out behind my head.. so basically I am about an extra 2 feet longer.. I do have a six pack and if you want to get one, just do the sit ups and do aerobics and eat properly and you will have some good abs in months.

I'm with you Dex. Thats what I do. I have a big 6 pack for my age.

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just a quick note

not everyone can get a 6 pack...

it all matters on what body type you are...

but i've been noticing what works the best is all core workouts mainly with the ball.

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its no secret. You need to do cardio. Why do you think all of those really skinny kids have cut abs, its because they have no fat on their stomachs.

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ive been doing 700 situps a day for about 2 months, it seems to be working but no six pack yet. What else could I do?? Also when is the best time of the day to do excersises and is it better to so before or after eating?

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sit ups do not burn any fat. If your goal is to improve your game and not look good on the beach for the ladies, the 700 sit ups should be more than adequate. Having strong abs is crucial to skating.

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