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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sl or s17

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I currently have an easton sl non grip but its only a shaft.

I have been looking to get a new one but i dont know should i get a new one now or keep saving to got an new s17

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Do you travel or play in one place under 20's eh? Sounds like an s17 to me how much will it cost you and another question how big is hockey in the UK? My parents were born the along with the rest of my family and i've never met anyone place ice hockey over there.

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Stick thread turned family history. Fantastic.

Don't get the S17. Too many breaking issues for it to be worth the performance. That said, I have two that are solid rocks and have no signs of breaking. But I seem to be in the very small minority.

Get an SE. Cheaper, and almost the same performance.

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i travel a bit to games. ice hockey is not that big over here. there are no s17's in shops here i would need to find one on ebay or something like that

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I felt an SE in the store today while getting fitted I like the touch of the blade I believe it was a Heatley curve not sure anyway ADHD kicking in I liked it I might buy one it seems like solid stick my friends had one for 4 months, no breakge. And he broke 2 dolomites in 2 months he dosent take care of his sticks.

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It can be a good thing to look at wide prodcuts eastons are amazing one piece stick but 2 piece stick are always an option which are not always as strong i might buy an SE eventually.

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yeah your right there their sticks are very good i have had three of easton sticks and have loved every one of them they all ended up as 2 pieces i still have 2 of them

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What level do you play at i would go for an s17 but if you are just playing like pewee house then i wouldnt

Have you heard of a run-on sentence ??

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You can always look at SL's or ST's. I know that hockey gear costs an arm and a leg overseas and with how often sticks break, it might be worth it to save a few pounds wherever you can.

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1) The SL was a good stick but very prone to breakage, hence your shaft.

2) As Krev stated, the S17 is similar in its tendency to break, but costs more, so isn't a very good value (esp. in the UK where gear is no doubt more expensive than here in the States).

3) Grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. are appreciated by all.

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1) The SL was a good stick but very prone to breakage, hence your shaft.

2) As Krev stated, the S17 is similar in its tendency to break, but costs more, so isn't a very good value (esp. in the UK where gear is no doubt more expensive than here in the States).

3) Grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. are appreciated by all.

Very well said.

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all ive heard about SEs are how much they break. i know guys who go through them like they are disposable. i personally wouldnt recommend the s17 (having broke one) i definately was not satisfid with the durability, especially for $220

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Look into the old ST or the new ST coming out soon, performance is good and its a tank.

i agree. ive been using st for a good part of a year now and i love it. they arent as light as an SE or Stealth but i think it should perform just as well for you. its got a good feel and a good response. i like it better than my S17.

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im also from uk and play at the same level (under 20's) i have an s-17 which i used for about 2 weeks and the blade has now cracked. i got mine in cheaper through a friend but they arnt worth the money we hav to pay to get them over and stuff. im going to buy a few SE's i think they look nice.

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