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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fitting in Detroit

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I'm going to be in Detroit for the weekend and thought it might be a good time to get fitted for some new skates.

I'd like to have someone who knows what they are doing take a look at my feet and see whats going to work.

Anyone have any ideas of someplace to check out?

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JR who I'm speaking of. Mans gotta eat. Not sure what he would charge you but whatever it'll be worth it. He's a VERY FAIR GUY!!! Unlike some other POS guys out there.

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Yeah, from what I've been reading on here he definitely seems like he knows his stuff.

....also seems pretty busy...guess I could shoot him a message.

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Only problem is that JR would have to fit him in someone else's shop or make guesstimates in person.

Hopefully he'll have a recommendation for you though.

What area of "Detroit" are you speaking though? The term tends to cover everything from Monroe to Ann Arbor to Flint to Port Huron, in generalities.

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