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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Bauer one95 with t-blades...pics included

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I finally got them! I only wore them once but there amazing. Tell me what you think. Sorry I have never posted pictures before.



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Personally, I feel like you just took a crap on a a Van Gogh. Yellow laces and t-blades... horrible.

but whatever floats your boat man. kudos on being different.

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Yeah, I'm with TBL. No offense but I absolutely hate TBlades because they let everyone know you're coming and yellow laces belong on Graf's.

Anyway, what size are they?

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i know.... i like to be different. The t-blades help me because i travel all of the time, and once when i was in Canada at the bell coupe, the guy COMPLETELY ruined my skates. I had to by new skates. The yellow laces, i dont really know. I have been wearing yellow laces my whole life, and dont really wanta switch, because i hate white laces.

But whatever. I am a size 5.... for 13 years old, i have mini feet

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Ive been using yellow laces for a couple years now just because I like the wax so I don't mind that part, but I'm not partial to the T'Blades but again if thats what you're used to what are ya gonna do. Maybe if they came out with a different looking T'Blade holder that looked more conventional.

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I'm a T'blade guy, but that looks redunkulous on the One95's. And this belongs in the 'Show it Off' or the One95 thread.

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I'm not personally a fan of T-Blades and I don't think I ever will be because i think they make skates look absolutely absurd. Especially these but hey they're not my skates so whatever makes you happy.

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i know.... i like to be different. The t-blades help me because i travel all of the time, and once when i was in Canada at the bell coupe, the guy COMPLETELY ruined my skates. I had to by new skates. The yellow laces, i dont really know. I have been wearing yellow laces my whole life, and dont really wanta switch, because i hate white laces.

But whatever. I am a size 5.... for 13 years old, i have mini feet

Just wondering what he did you ruin the entire blade, holder, and boot that you had buy a whole new pair of skates?

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He ruined the runner

The skates look a lot better in person

Runners are usually replaceable. no need to buy a brand new pair of skates because somebody messed up the runner. What am i missing?

Were you skating in Vapor VIs or something?

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The best part is that with the blur, it looks like you took your skates to Glamor Shot and took the picture.


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Holy crap.... I bought the skates cause i like them..... i put yellow laces on because i like them.... and i put the damn tblades on because i like them. The skates are comfortable.....and i like them

the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.....and if you dont like the skates.....im sorry... but you dont have them... so you wont have to worry about it

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Holy crap.... I bought the skates cause i like them..... i put yellow laces on because i like them.... and i put the damn tblades on because i like them. The skates are comfortable.....and i like them

the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.....and if you dont like the skates.....im sorry... but you dont have them... so you wont have to worry about it

I actually like them. I just said the that the blur reminded me of Glamor shots. I pimp the yellow laces too but tossed my tblades a while back.

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Holy crap.... I bought the skates cause i like them..... i put yellow laces on because i like them.... and i put the damn tblades on because i like them. The skates are comfortable.....and i like them

the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.....and if you dont like the skates.....im sorry... but you dont have them... so you wont have to worry about it

Dude, you asked what we thought. It might be best to wait and think about the responses you might get before you put another gratuitous type post up again.

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