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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fitting Advice Please

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I currently have some NBH Vapor XX Skates, size 11 EE. I don't think they fit me that well! I think the skate sits slightly off my foot - is this called ankle slip?

I have been told since that I have narrow ankles are perhaps a Graf 703 or G3 would suit me better. Can anyone say if this is correct and suggest any other skates that might suit.

My foot measurements are as follows:


Length 11 1/5 inches

Ball 2 7/8 inches


Length 11 inches

Ball 2 7/8 inches

And here are some pics.










Thanks, and sorry if this post suffers from photo overload!

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You want skates that fit? Go into the nearest LHS with knowledgeable workers and try on several skates. There is no skate genie on this site that can work with pictures.

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What do you mean by Ball = 2 7/8 inch? - Is that the ball of your ankle?

I am curious to what your width is at widest part of your foot?

Because I am looking at a sizing chart right now and for you at

11 1/5 - here is the width range...your between size 11 and 11.5 for length.

Width for size 11 - 11.5

C 3.9" - 4.25

D 4.25 - 4.4

EE 4.40 +

And I know the Vapor XX are pretty narrow, I am having issue with the XXV

near the toe cap with width, but I have a D - good you got a EE....

What were some of your other previous skates that fit good?

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By Ball I mean the width about 1 inch in from the back of my foot.

At the widest point my feet are just over 4 and half inches - if tighten the lower laces up to much it hurts my foot.

Lengthwise the size 11 Vapors are fine.

These were my first new skates since 1993 and I had Bauer 3000s which were OK.

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I currently have some NBH Vapor XX Skates, size 11 EE. I don't think they fit me that well! I think the skate sits slightly off my foot - is this called ankle slip?

When you say you have a skate that sits slightly off your foot, what do you mean by that - Do you mean as the following pic shows? Which I got from the graf website.


OK, you foot and mine are simliar then - If you buy the Grafs tell us how it goes or PM me....other suggestions would be One95, or the Supreme 70's which are made from the Bauer 8090 last which is wider than the old supremes which you had...One95 I hear is a different fit than 70's.

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Yes I think those pictures show the problem.

The problem I have in the UK is that most of the LHS don't keep much stock so you have to make a specific order so I need to do as much homework as possible before ordering.

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Yes I think those pictures show the problem.

The problem I have in the UK is that most of the LHS don't keep much stock so you have to make a specific order so I need to do as much homework as possible before ordering.

OK, if thats your problem its not called "ankle slip" but "pronation"

I saw it in your pictures of your feet, you have a classic case.

I bet your tennis shoes wear on the outside of the shoe, and sometime even go "over the edge" of the rubber sole.

go onto


and look at "The Science" and scrool down to the .pdf doucments, the first two deal with foot type and body type.

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I had some running shows fitted and they videoed me on a treadmill and showed me how my foot "collapses" inwards when it lands on the ground, they then sold me some trainers with extra support in that area. I guess thet were showing me the same thing that you are talking about.

So I am thinking about Graf Supra G35, size 11 but can anyone advice on which width fitting? They come in regular, narrow and wide.

Also will that skate have enough volume for my feet?

Thanks for all this help.

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You want skates that fit? Go into the nearest LHS with knowledgeable workers and try on several skates. There is no skate genie on this site that can work with pictures.

Oh yeah? I just choose not to.

Sending him to a LHS is a great start, but you have to understand, I've seen my fair share of LHS idiots. Not every store is knowledgeable.

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IN response to the points made about going to a LHS and getting some proper advice that is not an option for me. In the UK the market for hockey kit is small - there are only about 50 rinks. That means not many hockey players and therefore not many hockey shops and those we do have cannot afford to stock full ranges of skates in different sixes, widths etc. They would never get the stock turn and would end up our of business.

I have been trying to get across the Atlantic for a business trip so I can get some skates properly fitted at the same time but it always falls through - I hope to manage it later this summer.

Thanks to those that have helped.

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You want skates that fit? Go into the nearest LHS with knowledgeable workers and try on several skates. There is no skate genie on this site that can work with pictures.

Oh yeah? I just choose not to.

Sending him to a LHS is a great start, but you have to understand, I've seen my fair share of LHS idiots. Not every store is knowledgeable.

:D I meant, of course, there is no genie on here besides YOU, oh great JR. (Bows in the presence of greatness) I understand not every store is knowledgeable. Thats why I made sure to emphasize it, instead of just saying, "Go to your nearest LHS and try on several skates"

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Threads with feet pictures need to be marked NSFW.

Or at least have the courtesy to just have turn the pictures into links.

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