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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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JR Boucicaut

2008 Sher-Wood Catalogue

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Wow!...is it just me or do those pro gloves look very similar to NB 4 rolls.

Edited by Hooah4

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Wow!...is it just me or do those pro gloves look very similar to NB 4 rolls.

I like them a lot more than the four rolls. I was shocked how good they were when I put them on at the Detroit show.

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SWD has been making great gloves for years, they just fly under the radar.

The "R" series gloves were/are terrible, the only decent ones they have now are the 9950s.

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I liked the RM series. Durability is good, mobility is good. Palm is decent. Not a bad retail glove. I'd rather have that then a NBH 4roll.

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I liked the RM series. Durability is good, mobility is good. Palm is decent. Not a bad retail glove. I'd rather have that then a NBH 4roll.

Out of the box feel was awful on the new ones at the show, some of the worst gloves I've tried in the last five years.

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try them after baking.

they didn't have an oven at the show and never mentioned that the gloves should be baked. Most people don't buy gloves if they don't feel good right off the wall, I'm one of them.

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Off the shelf they felt pretty good but definitely needed to be broken in. After a quick bake, they felt amazing.

Off the shelf, still much better than anything from THC in recent memory.

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Looks from the blade pictures that a bouchard is the closest to a forsberg, can anyone confirm?

Yes, virtually identical.

Off the shelf, still much better than anything from THC in recent memory.

They haven't made a decent glove in a looooong time.

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Still sell a hell of a lot more gloves than SWD... which was my point.

As bad as most of the THC stuff is, I'd still take a lot of them over the RM SWDs. DW is probably the only "major" company I'd put below THC when it comes to gloves over the last decade. At least Easton made a couple of gloves that were usable. They discontinued them, but at least they were available for a while.

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I just got a pair of old 9950 gloves from a friend and came here to check what their new line of gloves are and I'm surprised (and glad) they still make the 9950s. They feel a lot better than the other gloves I've tried (one90/tps r8)

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Are the new 9950 gloves available through any of the major distributors yet? I think I've seen them on 1 site, but they appear to be last year's gloves.

2 follow up questions: are the 2008 gloves available in plain nylon, or only the glossy robocop style?

Are the gloves available in 15.5"? The catalog appears to only go up to 14.5" but I've seen 15.5" online (I assume they're last year's gloves).

They look like good gloves and I'd like to try them out. I hope there is good manufacturing and distribution this season following the buy out.

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