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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Waterproofing Grafs

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According to the manual in the box with my new Grafs, you are supposed to waterproof them inside and out every 1 to 3 months. Does anyone have any experience with this or know what works best for waterproofing? Thanks.

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im guessing that as time passes sweat and friction deteriorate the lining in the already waterproofed skate, and then you need to replace it.

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Why would someone manufacture ICE skates that need to be waterproofed? :huh: I'm genuinely interested in the reasonings behind this...

Because the Graf models that require this are actual leather, not a synthetic material.

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is it only the 700 series that need this treatment


This was in the box of my new Ultra G35s. Do I not need to worry about this then?

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As I said, this was in the box of my new Ultra G35 skates. Do I need to do this treatment with the Ultra G series?

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As I said, if you have 703 or 704 you have to on the outside of the skate.

All boxes are standard, they put the skates in there with the paperwork then slap the sticker on the box.

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So, let me see if I've got this:

700 series=Waterproof inside & out.

Ultra series=no need to waterproof.

Is this correct? Thanks for all the help by the way!

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All you need to do is spray them on occassion with a silicon based boot spray available at many common outlets like Wal-mart or at a shoe retailer. Don't blow this way out of proportion. Graf has put this in to protect their liability and legal issues, because there have obviously been guys who have used this issue to weasle a new pair of blades out of them in the past, so they are covering their butt. It takes a fair amount of time for the boot to break down even if you do nothing to them even if they are badly abused or ignored. (ie using them and throwing them in the trunk of a car when its -23 degees below zero) They are just suggesting you spray them once in a while to give them a little more longitivety.

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