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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S17 Blade issue

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After reading through as much as i could find on the search function ive decided to post hoping for some help or a point in the right direction.

the blade on my s17 feels like its been mushed up! theres no cracks anywhere at all on the blade or taper but and the blade faces are firm but i can torque it with my hands. my slapshot sucks with this stick(as others have experienced) but my wristers and snappers still have a lot of heat on them and have good accuracy. stickhandling is majorly influenced by the torquing blade. for simple handling the blade feels awesome but as soom as i go to put any force into working the toe, it doesnt respond and seems like it could bend over the puck and leave it behind.

the problem i have is whether this is normal or not? it doesnt seem like its deteriation because there are no cracks or soft areas, but im sure it was stiff when i got it. the feel is likened to when the blades on my sl's started to crack from where the blade meets the shaft(as they all did), but my shot isnt affected like it was with the sl's

any input is greatly appreciated.

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Many others have experienced the dead blade as your describing. There's nothing you can really do about it...

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Is this some sort of manufacturer defect or just normal wear for the S17? If it's deemed a manufacturer defect I would hope that Easton would help you out with a warranty replacement of some sort.

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I've had 2 S17's both which broke in the blade, the 1st went soft and then on a shot it broke in half but was still hanging by some threads. That one was under warranty so I sent it back and they sent me a replacement. The 2nd one on the first ice time using it i heard a loud snap/cracking sound on a shot so i checked the blade and no visible damage but I could torque it pretty good [like the OP's] so I called Easton about it and the woman said send it back, I'm waiting to see if they deem it a warranty issue, which she said they will.

So my recommendation is if it is still under warranty call Easton about it and explain it to them and see what they say.

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easton is hard to get a jold of on the fone it takes an hour to get 2 talk someone and takes 2 months to get ur stick back...ridiculous

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I got lucky the first time I called was 20 minute hold the second call was a hour. But yeah I forgot to mention the waiting for them to return the stick is the worst.

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Warrior would call it a feature then charge more for it. Maybe it's just a repainted kronik. :ph34r:

I would have to agree with you there, the 1st S17 I have the blade went soft and I only play 2-3 times per week. The SE Blades are way better IMO!

- Mike

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I got lucky the first time I called was 20 minute hold the second call was a hour. But yeah I forgot to mention the waiting for them to return the stick is the worst.
My SL took about 2-3 weeks to be returned as an SE. It was way quicker than the S17 from the "toy drive" which took 3-4 months.

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