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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"I just bought (PRODUCT X), what do you guys think about (PRODUCT X)? Is it worth buying? Or have there been any products with (PRODUCT X)?"

gotta love the people asking for opinions/reviews of a product they already bought...

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Rustpot I laughed out loud when you answered "Easton Octane. All in the name." to the 'Whats the best stik' thread.

Octane is a killer name, it just screams hard core.

Whenever people ask what's the best stick ever I always say the Octane. Nothing beats it at $20. Shaft versatility, durability, similar graphics to the Synergy sticks in a killer green, don't care if you break it... What could you hate about it :rolleyes:

agreed its my ball hockey shaft of choice

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Sometimes I think we should have a basic reference section that people can goto to check things out rather then asking the same question over and over again. Things like "How to turn an OPS into a shaft" or "How to bake skates at home" for eg sakes.

Especially for new people, I mean I've been a member for 4 odd years. But some guys ask repeated questions because they've only been here 4 months! Its not their fault but, they don't know allot of info as they havn't been reading up on the site as long.

PS: The threads I hate are when people say things like "CCM makes the best skates, period" Drives me insane when I hear it in the locker room as well from guys who grew up in a "hockey country" too.

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PS: The threads I hate are when people say things like "CCM makes the best skates, period" Drives me insane when I hear it in the locker room as well from guys who grew up in a "hockey country" too.

Yea, its pretty funny hearing people say that, when they actually havent really tried anything else. Some of the guys I hear that from are still using their old elbow pads that are taped up every game with electrical tape or something along those lines.

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PS: The threads I hate are when people say things like "CCM makes the best skates, period" Drives me insane when I hear it in the locker room as well from guys who grew up in a "hockey country" too.

Yea, its pretty funny hearing people say that, when they actually havent really tried anything else. Some of the guys I hear that from are still using their old elbow pads that are taped up every game with electrical tape or something along those lines.

I was on "Yahoo Answers" in the hockey section for a while. I stopped after the third or fourth time some one asked "is Vapor XXX or One90 better" and the people of the board pick "One90- clear holders and better technology" as the best answer.

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Brooklynite Hockey

Having someone try to show off their company alone isn't bad. He did not even start the group. The way he tried to market his equipment was wrong.

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PS: The threads I hate are when people say things like "CCM makes the best skates, period" Drives me insane when I hear it in the locker room as well from guys who grew up in a "hockey country" too.

Yea, its pretty funny hearing people say that, when they actually havent really tried anything else. Some of the guys I hear that from are still using their old elbow pads that are taped up every game with electrical tape or something along those lines.

+1! "CCM is the only real hockey company", priceless.

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