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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kapanen Retires

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Sami Kapanen announced his retirement today. Not a flashy guy, but a classy guy. Always played his tail off and always put the team first. One of the few guys who could play D or forward competently, and recently has played D with some frequency and never complained--or at least I never heard about it--as his role was reduced with the Flyers.

One image I'll always remember of him is when he got drilled in the playoffs a couple of years ago. He got up with rubber legs and totally disoriented, but his legs churned like mad as he tried to get back to the bench so someone could relieve him of his shift. It looked hilarious at the time, but what a monumental effort to do what had to be done to keep the play alive.

Farewell to Sami Kapanen, the little warrior.


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Roenick scored the game winner on the continuation of that play. The best part was watching Primeau in the doorway of the bench trying to fish Sami in.

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And a funny ad he did with Shanny when they were both on the Whalers. Shanny was talking about how great it was that the game had gone international and how even though he rocked Kapanen in the World Juniors years ago that they were now teammates and friends. Sami then rattles off something in Finnish which is subtitled something like, "I can't believe their making me do this with this clown." Shanny smiles and says, "See, no hard feelings."

At least, I think it was Sami in the ad. It was a long time ago.

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Great guy. He'll definitely be missed by the Flyers. He was a class-act guy and always put the team first. I always liked him even back to his Cane days.

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And a funny ad he did with Shanny when they were both on the Whalers. Shanny was talking about how great it was that the game had gone international and how even though he rocked Kapanen in the World Juniors years ago that they were now teammates and friends. Sami then rattles off something in Finnish which is subtitled something like, "I can't believe their making me do this with this clown." Shanny smiles and says, "See, no hard feelings."

At least, I think it was Sami in the ad. It was a long time ago.

Unless He did it twice, that commercial was with the Wings, and with Sir Gay Fagorov, IINM.

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Shanny did. It was on the old SportsChannel New England that carried Whalers games. I need another old timer from the NE area to back this up.

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Shanny did. It was on the old SportsChannel New England that carried Whalers games. I need another old timer from the NE area to back this up.

I remember the Shanny add, but I don't want to be labled an "old timer"....

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