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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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black stone from what i see has an old fleming gray holder on a blademaster style machine. there cleaner is different though. I prefer maximum edge because his way of sharpening has been calculated and looked over by engineers.

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The hardest to learn on is an old Wissota like I have. It has no markings of any kind. I had to figure out the hollow on my own. Good thing I already knew what I was doing.

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i gotta say a fleming grey is hard to learn on since the dresser is behind the actual wheel and the fact that suction on it isnt that great. I know that some ppl has had to get there blood cleaned from all the iron that got in there body from lack of vacumn suction

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I refuse to get my skates sharpened anywhere but this place in Clarence, NY, called "The Skaters Edge." It's a small, mom-and-pop type place, mostly figure skating stuff. I honestly think I might be the only hockey player around here that goes there ;) . The people there know me, and they know how I like my skates sharpened. They are absolutely amazing. If he's there, I request the old guy, Steve; he takes about ten minutes to finish, but it is so incredibly worth it. Of course, this pickiness of mine can cause some slight problems when we are out of state for tournaments and stuff.

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What about price? What is the most you would pay for a good quality sharpening? It is strange to me how the price varies across north America. A good sharpening in Detroit is only $4 dollars where some other place I have seen it as high as $8.

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I charge $5 but I'm about to drop it to $4 since my sharpener is paid off. The rink charges $5 and the other shop in town charges $5 + $2 for anything other than a 1/2" hollow. I always thought $5 was just about right for a sharpening.

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the a-hole at the rink i play at charges $14 <_< $35 for a first time sharpening. And he does a horrendous job.

Whenever possible, i give my skates to my uncle to get them sharpened by the islanders trainer.

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14 bucks for a sharpening?! Excuse my French but holy shit!

I like to get mine sharpened at a mom and pop type place called ko-sports. Bad thing is its an hour away..

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The store charges $7.50 for while-you-wait, $5 overnight.

I'd like to think that my sharpenings are worth that much. I know that if I got it done by our other guys then $7.50 would be a rip-off.

I do have a select few "special" customers - those who have been loyal and referred me, and I usually charge them the overnight fee, or no fee at all.

THockey - Tell Mooner JR from RDV says hi...

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I like to get mine sharpened at a mom and pop type place called ko-sports. Bad thing is its an hour away..

I still hate those guys.

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Chadd. It is easy to figure out the hollow on a Wissota machine. Look at the diamond dressing arm. It has two pivots. Lay a straight edge across the two pivot points, with the edge lining up with the CENTER of the two pivots. Now measure the distance from the straight edge's edge to the sharp point on the diamond scirbe. If that reads 5/8 of an inch, you will grind a 5/8" hollow.

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my lhs is $10 for a 7/8" hockey grind and that's not while you wait its whenever they get around to it, or $8 for 3/4" hockey grind. If anyone knows of a good place in the DC metro area let me know and from what I know caravan and skaters paradise are both out of business.

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Chadd.  It is easy to figure out the hollow on a Wissota machine.  Look at the diamond dressing arm.  It has two pivots.  Lay a straight edge across the two pivot points, with the edge lining up with the CENTER of the two pivots.  Now measure the distance from the straight edge's edge to the sharp point on the diamond scirbe.  If that reads 5/8 of an inch, you will grind a 5/8" hollow.

Mine only had one arm, it was the really old one. It was a pain to keep tight and accurate. I didn't really care as I only did skates to my preferred hollow anyway. Now I have a fantastic toy with all kinds of gizmos.

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my lhs is $10 for a 7/8" hockey grind and that's not while you wait its whenever they get around to it, or $8 for 3/4" hockey grind. If anyone knows of a good place in the DC metro area let me know and from what I know caravan and skaters paradise are both out of business.

what part of the DC metro area are you. I sharpen down at the Fredericksburg Ice Park. I have had to fix some skates from some of the rinks up north that our travel players have had theirs done at. I would like to think i am good, but all i know is that i skate fine when i sharpen my own.

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I'm mostly at fairfax, but I skated at some of the other rinks in the area and its looks the same. I'm sure its the same way everywhere though there a few good sharpeners and if you don't know them then stay away from the rink. Caravan I think was the place of choice the guy would keep a notecard with your preference on it, and I heard skaters paradise was good too but they are both gone from what I hear.

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